Posted on Jul 11, 2015
What is the best prank you have pulled on a new butter bar?
Responses: 140
I’ve had a brand new butter bar working a ball ping hammer looking for soft spots in the armor of an M1A1. He was fresh out of ROTC and I thought Top was going to smoke me hard until he couldn’t contain his own laughter.
CW4 Craig Urban
this one butter bar did make CPT and worked for me when I was a GS 12. I fried him on his OER
SPC Brian Roberts
The BIG question is did he FIND any? LOL! SEARCHING for them is ONE thing - FINDING them another level of ‘newbie’ altogether! HA!
1LT William Clardy
Probably not, SPC Brian Roberts. It takes an experienced ear to pick out that slight difference in sound caused by a defective layer of ████████████. That's why a good NCO will watch over the new officer, so he can point out when he tapped right past a spot.
Once upon a time, at a border-patrol camp far away, some NCOs conspired to expropriate the camp OIC's BDU cap. The first time he went looking for his missing cap, the lieutenant found that it had somehow been run up the flag pole. The second time, the camp cooks got into the act, presenting the lieutenant with a dessert they had created in his honor: the Butterbar Ice Cream Special, consisting of a scoop of ice cream served in an upside-down BDU cap which had been soaked and then frozen to preserve its shape...
1LT William Clardy
I wouldn't know -- l was off running a border trace when the LT got served, although I have a vague recollection of him gleefully boasting that he was able to eat the ice cream before the cap thawed enough to absorb any, CPT Pedro Meza .
SPC Todd Rhoades
That's what I'm talking about. I loved that I didn't just respect the rank, but rather the men that wore it. They always got even, sometimes it was a "suck" detail, but the grin on their faces as it was handed to you, made the "suck" less, you knew how you had earned it and were already planning how to earn the next one. We were all brothers, even the CO.
For those of you not familiar with it, check out Grunt Style on Youtube, and in particular 2LT Dick:
CPL Mark Kirkpatrick
I have no idea how long I fell down that rabbit hole after Miller recommended Grunt Style.
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