Posted on Jul 1, 2015
What are some of the top paying jobs for veterans?
Have you ever wondered which jobs are good fits for vets and are going to be ones where you can make a good, high salary immediately after you separate? We've put together a list of some of the top ones to help steer your job search. If you think there are more or you have had a great experience in a different industry or company then please share it, the more our members can learn about different opportunities the better!
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
Careers in Information Technology are plentiful for veterans with military MOS's that are IT centric. I averaged mid to low six figure annual incomes for 31 years after my years of experience as a 24K20.
Elizabeth Malkin
SGT Rick Ash, you are right that careers in IT are in great demand at the moment. They also can be fabulous segue for service members and vets because an individual can take a course or get certified and be very employable, an entire degree is always encouraged but not required!
It is very rare to walk into an IT Management position coming straight out of the military, even if you do have the education and experience.
PO1 John Miller
Elizabeth Malkin
Degrees and certifications! Perhaps the best certification to have is PMP - Project Management Professional. Couple that with a general degree in IT along with experience as a Senior NCO/Petty Officer/Chief Petty Officer who knows how to translate their supervisory/management experience into language a civilian hiring manager would understand (perhaps hire a professional resume writer) and your odds are better in landing that coveted management position.
It also helps to be willing to start at a lower position and working your way up. Kind of like we do in the military already!
Degrees and certifications! Perhaps the best certification to have is PMP - Project Management Professional. Couple that with a general degree in IT along with experience as a Senior NCO/Petty Officer/Chief Petty Officer who knows how to translate their supervisory/management experience into language a civilian hiring manager would understand (perhaps hire a professional resume writer) and your odds are better in landing that coveted management position.
It also helps to be willing to start at a lower position and working your way up. Kind of like we do in the military already!
SPC John Lebiecki
I know this post is old, but the other one that the industry is looking at is ITIL certification. If you look at postings for major companies, they ask about ITIL.
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