Posted on Mar 6, 2022
SGT Jonny Wright
So I just found out Friday (2 days ago), that I was being "command directed" to another NG unit for their upcoming deployment this year. I have never heard of someone being command directed to deploy with another unit.
Also, as far as I know, only myself and 1 of my soldiers were pulled for this.
Does anyone know exactly what goes into command directing a soldier? Like is it the deploying unit specifically pulling you, or your unit volunteering you?
Posted in these groups: Michigan ARNGImgres Deployment
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Responses: 11
SGM Erik Marquez
Likely due to your MOS "Power Generation Equipment Repairer", unit deploying has a valid slot and no current or inbound SM to fill it.
SPC James Seigars
SPC James Seigars
3 y
This happens more than some people, Service or otherwise, know. I remember when my Active Duty unit went to Kuwait in 2003 before going into Iraq we had a DENTIST that was SEVENTY plus years old and had been a Civilian for about FORTY years attached to us. His son was also in the Guard as he had been & was a Junior. So he obviously thought they sent the activation orders to the wrong person, but when he asked about it they asked if his Social was such and such which it was. So they said, “no mistake, sir. You’re the one we want”. Apparently he had resigned before doing the number of years required to meet his obligation for the army paying for his dental school due to family issues. So I guess they can call most, if not all, of us back until we pass away if they need to.
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SGM Jeff Mccloud
Some BN or BDE in your state will be mobilized.
That BN or BDE does not have enough of your MOS, but your state does, and Guard deployments fill from the state first (and those Soldiers are involuntarily mobilized) before they post openings on Tour of Duty for people outside the state.
Odds are you and your Soldier won't be the only command directs showing up at that SRP, you'll just be the only two from your unit.
SGT Jonny Wright
SGT Jonny Wright
3 y
Thank you for the information SGM. Very helpful!
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SPC Nancy Greene
‘Needs of the Army’ is probably related to your assignment to another unit...
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