Recent Activity -
I joined the Army Reserve in 1985, Then I transfered to the Mississippi Guard (where I was in Three units overall) in 1987 before going Active in 1988. I went to Germany & helped bring down the Berlin Wall then got out. In 1999 I rejoined the Guard & went back active from 2002 until 2012 going to Iraq with the 101st and getting promoted in 2003, then to Germany again where I was demoted in 2006.
I have been writing for moviepilot.com and judging photos for viewbug.com since I left the Army in 2012. I had been in the Army my entire adult life except from 1996 until 1999 up to that point between active, guard and reserve enlistments & IRR obligation. However, since Guard/Reserve point system is different then active I am not considered retired even though I have over 20 years service (1985-1989= 4 years, 1990-1996= 6 years and 1999-2012= 13 years. However, IRR doesn't count on retirement so only 17 years for retirement, but 23 years for pay).
I have been writing for moviepilot.com and judging photos for viewbug.com since I left the Army in 2012. I had been in the Army my entire adult life except from 1996 until 1999 up to that point between active, guard and reserve enlistments & IRR obligation. However, since Guard/Reserve point system is different then active I am not considered retired even though I have over 20 years service (1985-1989= 4 years, 1990-1996= 6 years and 1999-2012= 13 years. However, IRR doesn't count on retirement so only 17 years for retirement, but 23 years for pay).
Military Experiences
Sep 2009 - Oct 2010
After failing Public Affairs School I was sent back to Fort Rucker where I was assigned as support cadre for A co 1/145 AV BN where I spent my last two years in the Military doing Admin work for officers going through the courses we taught there. I was honored to have an award named after me while I was there called the Iron Aviator Specialist James D. Seigars Excellence in crewing award if anyone cares to google it.
May 2008 - Jun 2010
Supply Sergeant (S4)
As one of the Battalion S4 I was responsible for getting the Battalion's supplies to where they were needed and for performing building inspections annually to help ensure the soldiers health & safety while staying there during training.
Oct 2007 - May 2008
Supply Sergeant (S4)
As I had done with the 93rd Bn previously, I helped with the disbanding of the 210th when I arrived at FT Rucker.
Jun 2007 - Oct 2007
Mail Clerk
During this time my unit had been disbanded & my spouse at the time had cancer, so I worked in the mail room until my emergency reassignment orders to Ft. Rucker came through. One of my favorite jobs in the Army.
(5 years, 9 months)Jan 2005 - Sep 2007

This was my second tour in Germany. Unlike the first time not much was going on there, but I did manage to plant three trees & get the best earth day award for my unit.
Mar 2003 - Mar 2004

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
My unit was the one attacked by Sgt Akbar (Kools) in Kuwait and one of my friends, Cpt Seifert , was one of those killed. I find it ironic that my battalion had no casualties the entire year in Iraq except for those killed by Sgt Akbar. I did get promoted to Sergeant, got a coin from Chief of Staff Shinseki & helped stop Uday and Qusay Hussein while there, so there's that.
Mar 1988 - Jan 1990

My first tour of Germany. I was 22, worked in Intel and helped bring about the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Mar 1988 - Apr 1988
Air Defense Operations and Intellegence Assistant
Foreign Language Skills
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information