Posted on Sep 8, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
Doesn't matter if you agree with this move or not - it's been directed and it's happening. What are your suggestions for renaming the following bases?

- Fort Bragg
- Fort Rucker
- Fort Benning
- Fort Gordon
- Fort Hood
- Fort Polk
- Fort A.P. Hill
- Fort Belvoir
- Fort Lee
- Fort Pickett
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Responses: 842
Cpl Vic Burk
Edited 2 y ago
I have a suggestion, leave well enough alone! You can't erase history no matter how hard you try.
COL John McClellan
COL John McClellan
2 mo
SSG Russell D. - One particular state right though, wasn't it? That being: the right to hold other human beings in bondage. That was the "state right" that was being fought over. C'mon!!
COL John McClellan
COL John McClellan
2 mo
This action isn't. It's not erasing any history. It's repairing a false narrative. One that began long after the end of that war. One that itself, was an actual organized attempt to erase or alter our understanding of our own history. There's a big difference between remembering history - in families, and in books and in museums, and venerating the leaders of a rebellion in hundreds of town squares, and with names of bases that were named decades later, for misguided reasons.
PO1 Kenneth Brock
PO1 Kenneth Brock
1 mo
The problem with your statement Burk is that it’s already been determined that it isn’t well enough. We can’t change history but we can change the narrative. The current narrative is these men services was honorable but we know the choice made was both treason and malice. We also know the history of why these men name were chosen, it was in opposition to the newly freed slave and a sign of strong opposition to reconstruction.
SSG Robert Pratt
SSG Robert Pratt
1 mo
Total waste of tax dollars, all the signage, stationary, ect. well over a couple million dollars for some feel good reaction!
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SFC Jake Middaugh
It's humorous to me about how the big Army (and the left side) always tries to change the names of something we've always had & used....
Like the now politically correct term of "DFAC or dining facility".
And yet - we still, and probably will always call it the "Chow Hall"!!!
To me, Ft Bragg has a special place in my heart, soul & memory - and it will always be Bragg, no matter how many different politically-correct left side terms they decide to rename it!
SSgt Eric Kelly
SSgt Eric Kelly
6 mo
Renaming bases has nothing to do with the Civil War, the Confederacy or slavery. It’s entirely about disconnecting the American people from their past.

General Robert E Lee was a great man who fought for the wrong side. Had he been born in PA or MI, he would have undoubtedly fought for the Union. That fact is true for virtually every Confederate soldier. Prior to the federal government becoming the all looming behemoth it is today, states right’s and loyalty to one’s state over their nation were actually things.

After General Ulysses Grant ordered Sherman to conduct his scorched earth march through the South, while he pinned down Lee’s forces, the Confederacy still had the will to fight but didn’t have the means. Knowing the South could no longer win the war, General Lee did the only thing he could and surrendered.

What he did afterwards exemplifies why he was great. Lee made great efforts to keep the peace and restore the union. There was a large contingent of southerners who wanted to keep fighting a guerilla war and without men like Lee discouraging such actions and President Lincoln refusing to enact harsh punishments against the losing side, it’s doubtful we would have ever been whole.

Our founders were GREAT MEN who were flawed, as are all men. The vast majority of Confederates weren’t slave owners and they weren’t fighting for slavery, they were fighting for their families, friends, communities etc, which had a unique identity linked with their states. Slavery was only the main driver for a small fraction of extremely wealthy landowners/slave owners. The vast majority of Confederate soldiers were good men with flaws. Men who felt obligated to fight for the wrong side.

The erasure of our history is entirely about destroying our shared identities. Only a few decades back, virtually every American believed we were the greatest nation ever to exist, had respect for the flag, believed in the ideals we were founded upon- freedom, rights, protections, equality etc. Our founders were almost universally revered for their courage, wisdom, foresight etc.

Today poll after poll shows the opposite. Which is entirely a byproduct of attacking our flag, our founders, our national achievements, reframing us as systemically racist, built upon slave labor, colonizers etc

A nation with no shared identity, no national unity, no allegiance from it’s citizens, no sovereignty as our borders have been erased etc is a nation that can be replaced or usurped by outside powers.
CSM Todd Smith
CSM Todd Smith
4 mo
Perfectly said SSGT Kelley
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
4 mo
SSgt Eric Kelly - Those who erase history doom future generations to repeat the mistakes of the past.
SGT Warren Crutcher
SGT Warren Crutcher
3 mo
I have heard rumors and I hope they are correct, That the new President and the new SECDEF are going to restore our bases back to their original names because this is nothing but a bunch of BS.
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LTC Kevin B.
Edited >1 y ago
I think they should name them after Medal of Honor recipients.
Edward Samsen
Edward Samsen
3 mo
Name facilities at forts for local heroes. Rifle range at Ft Gordon, Sgt Alvin York rifle range. Air Force has named bases for aviators reminder Air Force is a much younger service. USN names Frigates and Destroyers for its heroes.
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
2 mo
That would be nice, but now the medal of honor means nothing after Biden giving it to Hillary and Soros. Absolutely disgraceful.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
2 mo
SPC Randy Torgerson - They weren't given the Medal of Honor. They were given the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
2 mo
LTC Kevin B. - Oh thank you for clarifying that. Ok then on a side note, The presidential medal of freedom is now meaningless.
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