Posted on May 29, 2015
MSG Morgan Fiszel, CPCM, CFCM
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Responses: 85
LCDR Naval Aviator
Everything about these contests is inflammatory, and that's the point; people want to prove that being offended doesn't give anyone the ability to deny another their 1st Amendment rights.
LCDR Naval Aviator
LCDR (Join to see)
>1 y
I didn't see anything offensive or obtuse about that statement. So what if he's a super-strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment? I doubt he's getting all teary-eyed over being called "one of those 2nd Amendment people," since I doubt he's ashamed of it.

If anything, it was simply an informative statement, explaining why it makes sense they would disagree. That's an awfully strong response to a simple and truthful statement.

Then you talk about being rude and inconsiderate, and follow it up with an "Obummer" comment. C'mon, man. Be better than that.

And yes, some of our laws suck and should be abolished, while others support a legal framework that is exceptional and the envy of much of the world.

I guess my point here is that I don't get what you're upset about. None of that seemed out-of-line or shocking at all.
SSG Trevor S.
SSG Trevor S.
>1 y
I'm glad we finally have something to agree on LCDR (Join to see)
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
SFC Matthew Parker , I suggest you read the SCOTUS decisions in Heller v D.C and McDonald v Chicago and then read your state's gun laws. As far as I know, New Jersey's gun laws are still in the process of undergoing constitutional challenge and that is why they remain in effect. The DC and Chicago governments also stated their gun laws were constitutional until they were told otherwise by SCOTUS. And there are a lot of people living in New Jersey who are not happy about having their constitutional rights trampled on by their state government. Since you and others in New Jersey are happy with those gun laws, you just validated my point that some in New Jersey don't understand constitutional rights. And last time I checked it was not unlawful to talk about another state's laws.

As far as disrespect to the LTC, you are correct; I was an ass. I'll apologize to him. However, we both did not have valid points; he was incorrect as he stated the rally was not protected speech when it actually was.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
LTC Bink Romanick , although I disagree with your assertion of what is protected speech, I apologize for the disrepectful manner in which I worded my response. You didn't deserve that, and I am truly sorry.
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SSG Roger Ayscue
Oops, oh well.
As one who's God is mocked and charactured constantly, I say to the Muslims....Suck it up Buttercup. By the way if they bring guns to prevent the drawing of their high exhalted mystic ruler, be prepped to get shot by the artists.
Christians like myself dislike the mocking of Jesus Christ but you don't see us cutting off people's heads or doing like the Nimrods in Texas.
SPC James Elliott
SPC James Elliott
>1 y
Hey Roger...Good to see you brother..No one's saying all Muslims are terrorist but....The majority of terrorist are Muslim. 75-85 % of Muslims= Peace loving.15- 25% apx = Radical. 1.2 BILLION Muslims in the world...Somewhere in the 175-300 MILLION = RADICAL ISLAM....Peaceful majority..Irrelevant..will not speak out against or fight against..19 hijackers brought America to it's knees in 01..2 locked down Boston into Martial Law and Boston CHEERED as they left...1 beheads woman in OK..175-300 Million....I guess I could be wrong,am I ?
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
>1 y
LRSU James! you are not wrong from where this old F Co Trooper sits
>1 y
What kind of an attitude is that? A rather poor and limited one indeed! As Christian I don't just simply "suck it" when I'm faced with complete idiots and crazy people who mock my beliefs! Besides, I respect people of other religions who are peaceful! This includes people of the Muslim faith! As if all Muslim people are at fault for the destruction and aggression and misery that some cause in the name of the religion (f.e. ISIS)!
SFC Matthew Parker
SFC Matthew Parker
>1 y
TSgt Jones,
Seriously, you think I don't disagree with SSG Ayscue & SFC James according to my comments?

Let me help you,
Line 1. "No your post was not well said, in fact your wrong, totally wrong."

Point 2. You think I condone it?
"Christians did commit atrocities" so the word atrocities means I condone the act does it?

Last point, "It was Christians that shot a Muslim woman holding a baby, dumped her in a mass grave and buried her still alive. The baby suffocated in her mothers arms under the dirt". That sound like I condone it? I still wake up with visions of that baby in her mothers arms, dirt in her lungs and dying of suffocation. You read any joy from that do you?

Now for your post, Islam is a religion, not a people that need to prove anything.

So the Muslims who attend this mosque need to "show they are truly a peaceful people and politely show their disappointment in a legal manner that does not involve murder or destruction" How about the jack ass standing across the street with the AR-15 yelling anti- Muslim hate speech, you know the American exercising his 1st amendment right to be a ass, does he need to "show we are truly a peaceful people and politely show his opinion as to the drawing of the profit in a legal manner that does not involve murder or destruction"

If you go in front of some church's in the US and burn a bible you just may get murdered. There is a extremist Christian minister in Florida who will shoot you in the face. His words not mine.

We have the freedom to disagree with some ones speech, but you do notice its not the Muslims with the guns at this event right? You going to tell them murder and destruction is a big no no.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
Some people just don't learn from their mistakes.
I suppose they figure they are "standing up to terrorists and extremists".

I think they are stuck on stupid.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
I don't subscribe to the premise that criminals are "made" to do their crimes because they were incited by the victim. But in this case the organizers have been outspoken about attempting to provoke Islam by rubbing their nose in the First Amendment. What they fail to see is that there is a very big difference between being provacative and actually trying to provoke. They are unnecessarily placing themselves and their guests at risk, and that is unacceptable, in my opinion.
SFC Joseph James
SFC Joseph James
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) i respect your point, but they are grown men and women and they are not breaking the law. This is no different then the idiots from the Westboro Baptist Church but no one has the right to hurt them. This goes the same way. Adults handle our problems with words, not violence or IED's. Is this moral, maybe not, but is it their right to assemble?...YES!
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Oh, I get it, SFC Joseph James. But these jokers just loved the attention they got last time and now fancy themselves some kind of "freedom fighters".
Their choice to have their next event across the street from a mosque was purposeful. That, my friend, is jackassery.

The Westboro people are complete loons who are reviled by all. If it wasn't for Phelps' family, there wouldn't even be a "church". Now that Fred Phelps is dead, we have mercifully not heard much from those scumbags.

I understand the analogy and that free speech means that idiots get to talk too, but common sense should break out at some point. I hope the Phoenix PD is ready for the likely gong show that will ensue.
SFC Joseph James
SFC Joseph James
>1 y
That I agree with wholeheartedly! I just hope lessons aren't learned the hard way. I do believe some people need to learn that they are in America not the Middle East. Violence is not the answer to what offends you. Thanks for a great reply.
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