Posted on Apr 10, 2021
Does China own the South China Sea or is China expanding into the South China Sea to deny other countries their share of it?
The South China Sea is bound in the east by the islands of Taiwan and in the west by the Indochinese Peninsula. This Peninsula consists of Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand. The South China Sea basin consists of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and portions of Vietnam. The South China Sea is considered a part of the western Pacific Ocean. All these countries in the basin and in the peninsula, as well as China to the north each claims part of the South China Sea. The Malacca Straits provide for maritime trade across continents, from the American shores to countries in the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea. Can one nation claim an entire sea or ocean, as China has done in the South China Sea?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
China claims the entire South China Sea Sea Ma'am and so, China is building islands and establishing military presence on them and around these man-made creations.
Sgt Jim Belanus
seems to me there is a lot of oil in that region and rubber, makes sense that China wants to control it
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
By building islands and reefs in the SCS, China doesn't own the entire Sea Ma'am. China is bullying lesser powers to accept Chinese expansionism into the SCS. Is there an international maritime watchdog agency that has the powers to prevent Chinese aggression (bullying) over international waters and territorial waters of other nations in the basin? The U.S. and China flexing muscle in the SCS is not the only means of preventing Chinese aggression, we would hope.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
A1C Mike Allen, the other nations in the SCS basin are lesser powers that cannot prevent China by themselves. The U.S. is not their only protection from Chinese aggression.
If we desire to enforce Maritime Law as we understand it, we better build economic alliances with India and all southeast Asian countries willing to support the free trade through the Malacca Straits. A 1000 ship Navy with supporting bases comes to mind. Whatever Arab countries that do not want to bow down to China can pitch in too.
We better move quickly. Because, if China does not get what it wants in trade deals with the US, I suspect we will see increased action towards Taiwan. Is Hong Kong already lost?
Has China moved troops to Iran to protect their trade deal with the largest supporter of Islamic terrorism?
General Quarters people! General Quarters! Move your ass!
We better move quickly. Because, if China does not get what it wants in trade deals with the US, I suspect we will see increased action towards Taiwan. Is Hong Kong already lost?
Has China moved troops to Iran to protect their trade deal with the largest supporter of Islamic terrorism?
General Quarters people! General Quarters! Move your ass!
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
Cpl Mark A. Morris, China is in expansionism mode and the rich South China Sea is close to home, so China has claimed the entire sea building islands in it and moving military might on them. China threatens the basin countries and the peninsula nations. Taiwan is already at odds with China and the Quad formed to counter China's expansionism in the SCS and Indian Ocean.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
A thousand ship navy is not going to be possible until thew Navy learns to by ships that do not cost massively more that t what was budgeted for. When was the last time the Navey bough a ship at anywhere near the originally contacted price?
Cpl Mark A. Morris
1stSgt Nelson Kerr I agree 1stSgt. But we could get close if other countries provided a ship or two that were of high standards in Missile or intel tech.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Cpl Mark A. Morris - Good idea but pork politicsl would probably stop that from happening.
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