Posted on Mar 11, 2021
For people who went to Vietnam and whose unit had a really rough go of things -- would you still go back and do it again if given the chance?
This question comes to mind for me, especially considering that Vietnam veterans generally did not receive a warm welcome home back to the US when they finished up. So I wonder if Vietnam vets would go back and do it all over again if they had the chance, particularly for people whose units in Vietnam got torn up pretty bad.
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 20
CPT Aaron Kletzing I made the choice to enlist because I thought that supporting South Vietnam was a just cause. I would do it again. I always try to make the best decisions that I can, and move on. My best friend was killed the day after I left country. I do regret brothers lost.
Yes, if I had to do it over again I would. That experience made me the man I am today. I served in the Army for eight and a half years. As a combat infantry soldier I served with the 101st Airborne and the 1st Air Cavalry in Vietnam. I’m proud of my service.
PO3 Aaron Hassay
Not that it exactly matters but what years? My dad was 66-68 army 11 lib and I am still understanding that era ..
SPC Joseph Kopac
Cool. Served in same 2 outfits, 71-72. Recently got a Air Assault coin from the 506th with the Cav and 101st on it. I have no desire to do it again.
SSG Thomas Simpson
Welcome home Ed, always great to hear from a fellow Screaming Eagle.SGT Ed Matyjasik
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