Hey everyone! I have been absent from Rally Point for the last week (no on probably noticed...and the ones who did were probably grateful) due to my community getting hit with a tornado. Fortunately there were no injuries, just damage. My house was about a block off of the "damage" zone.
My parents and their Lab were in town visiting so my dad, my brother and myself stood in the front yard watching as the storm blew in while my wife, my mom and our Lab went downstairs. Once the debris started flying we gave in and headed to the basement as well.
Anyways, while doing the clean up I got thinking, who on here has been in harms way through way of Mother Nature?
I will attach some pictures. The picture of the school building, my room is the one on the top left (7 windows). The crazy/fortunate thing of this entire storm was that there were 200 people in the school for senior awards night. All of which got to the basement in time (and again, no injuries).
My parents and their Lab were in town visiting so my dad, my brother and myself stood in the front yard watching as the storm blew in while my wife, my mom and our Lab went downstairs. Once the debris started flying we gave in and headed to the basement as well.
Anyways, while doing the clean up I got thinking, who on here has been in harms way through way of Mother Nature?
I will attach some pictures. The picture of the school building, my room is the one on the top left (7 windows). The crazy/fortunate thing of this entire storm was that there were 200 people in the school for senior awards night. All of which got to the basement in time (and again, no injuries).
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 5
SPC Nate Lamphier 1989, Huracan Hugo, I guess huracan in english is storm? Well, that was the worst that I've seen. Houses without roof, rivers out of course. Several damages in structure. That was the worst that I've seen. I had just 7 years, that's the most I remember...
SPC Nate Lamphier First of all glad to hear nobody was injured. Well lets see I was in a Tornado at Ft Stewert in 1998 lost a few and lots of damage and in an Earthquake with minimum damage at Ft Lewis in 2002.
I rode out Hurricane David in the VAQ on Homestead AFB in 1979. Not much more than heavy rain for me, but my household goods shipment was on the dock in Miami and fared worse than I did.
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