The proposed Army uniform policy changes seem to indicate that the individual will now have the choice to wear the RDI, or through affiliation the DUI.<br><br>I would personally prefer to wear my former infantry regiment's crest, but current policy prohibits me as an AG soldier.<br><br>Is anyone else reading this the way I am?<br>
Edit to add:
From the 2005 edition of 670-1:
"“Authorization. Regimental distinctive insignia (RDI) of a design approved by the Institute of Heraldry, U.S. Army, are authorized and prescribed for wear by all soldiers affiliated with a regiment or whole-corps regiment, as described in AR 600–82 and NGR 600–82.”
2014 edition:
"Authorization. Insignia used to represent regimental affiliation consists of either the RDI or DUI of a design approved by TIOH. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using an RDI is based on a Soldier’s branch/corps/special
branch, as determined by PMOS or specialty. Soldiers may wear the RDI for their affiliated regiment or they may be approved to wear the DUI for a unit in which they are serving or previously served successfully. See DA Pam 670-1 for approval process to wear the DUI to demonstrate regimental affiliation.”
Edited again to add:
AR 670-1 dated 31 March 2014 superseded AR 600-82
Update for 1 July 2015 publication of DA PAM 670-1:
New guidance clarifies eligible former units and seems to remove the approval process.
"a. Authorization.
AR 670–1 authorizes insignia used to represent regimental affiliation to consist of either the RDI
or DUI. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using an RDI is based on a Soldier’s branch/corps/special branch as determined by PMOS or specialty. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using a DUI is based on a unit in which the Soldier is serving or previously successfully served. Soldiers may wear the RDI for their affiliated regiment or may wear the DUI for a unit in which they are serving or have previously successfully served based off their assignment history as indicated in their personnel record.
b. How worn.
The RDI or DUI, when worn as insignia to represent regimental affiliation, are worn as outlined in
paragraph 21–23."
Edit to add:
From the 2005 edition of 670-1:
"“Authorization. Regimental distinctive insignia (RDI) of a design approved by the Institute of Heraldry, U.S. Army, are authorized and prescribed for wear by all soldiers affiliated with a regiment or whole-corps regiment, as described in AR 600–82 and NGR 600–82.”
2014 edition:
"Authorization. Insignia used to represent regimental affiliation consists of either the RDI or DUI of a design approved by TIOH. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using an RDI is based on a Soldier’s branch/corps/special
branch, as determined by PMOS or specialty. Soldiers may wear the RDI for their affiliated regiment or they may be approved to wear the DUI for a unit in which they are serving or previously served successfully. See DA Pam 670-1 for approval process to wear the DUI to demonstrate regimental affiliation.”
Edited again to add:
AR 670-1 dated 31 March 2014 superseded AR 600-82
Update for 1 July 2015 publication of DA PAM 670-1:
New guidance clarifies eligible former units and seems to remove the approval process.
"a. Authorization.
AR 670–1 authorizes insignia used to represent regimental affiliation to consist of either the RDI
or DUI. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using an RDI is based on a Soldier’s branch/corps/special branch as determined by PMOS or specialty. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using a DUI is based on a unit in which the Soldier is serving or previously successfully served. Soldiers may wear the RDI for their affiliated regiment or may wear the DUI for a unit in which they are serving or have previously successfully served based off their assignment history as indicated in their personnel record.
b. How worn.
The RDI or DUI, when worn as insignia to represent regimental affiliation, are worn as outlined in
paragraph 21–23."
Edited >1 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 12
For those with MilSuite access, here is the link to a discussion on S1NET:
The gist is that yes, affiliation is available to all soldiers regardless of MOS, however the software for EDAS hasn't been updated yet and is still preventing combat regiment affiliation for a non-combat arms Soldiers at this time. In other words, the 4187 can be approved but not processed to update the Soldier's ERB.
To do the 4187: In section III, check "Other" with the reason being Regimental Affiliation. In section IV, type: I request to be affiliated with the (INSERT REGIMENT NAME HERE)Regiment with a home base at (THE INSTALLATION WHERE YOU SERVED).
As long as you have the 4187 in hand, you should be good.... not that anyone goes around demanding proof of regimental affiliation.
The gist is that yes, affiliation is available to all soldiers regardless of MOS, however the software for EDAS hasn't been updated yet and is still preventing combat regiment affiliation for a non-combat arms Soldiers at this time. In other words, the 4187 can be approved but not processed to update the Soldier's ERB.
To do the 4187: In section III, check "Other" with the reason being Regimental Affiliation. In section IV, type: I request to be affiliated with the (INSERT REGIMENT NAME HERE)Regiment with a home base at (THE INSTALLATION WHERE YOU SERVED).
As long as you have the 4187 in hand, you should be good.... not that anyone goes around demanding proof of regimental affiliation.
SSG Anthony Schoepp
I would be interested to know what you put for the 'Thru,' 'To,' and 'From' blocks. I am trying from current company, thru current battalion to requested affiliation battalion for blocks 1-3. I also added the additional 'IAW' message as well as suggested by SSG McCulley. Not sure if my S1 will know what this is but will sure as hell try.
SSG Kevin McCulley
As I teach at a school, my from was the commandant and my to was the PSB. No thru.
SFC Arthur Barker
Well, I am in the headquarters detachment of an MTOE/TDA group, so my 4187 had from the HHD commander to the group commander, with no THRU addressee. Maybe adding the PSB would have been good, but the paperwork was submitted to HRC anyway. Nothing has changed, but that could be due to the already mentioned EDAS issue.
SFC Stephen P.
For mine, I sent to my immediate (BN) commander with no THRU. I made the assumption that without a specified approving authority, the commander was the most appropriate. I think it would not be out of line to send it to the organization, with ATTN: Personnel Section.
In section 5, I described the authority and qualifications:
"I request authorization to wear the 16th Infantry Regiment Distinctive Unit Insignia (DUI) in place of the Regimental Distinctive Insignia (RDI) IAW AR 670-1 para 21-24 and DA PAM 670-1 para 21-24.
I successfully served with the 1st Battalion of the 16th Infantry Regiment from 19971202 until 20031120.
Records in my OMPF that are evident of this service include:
DD form 214 dated 20031120
DA form 2166-7 dated 20010731,
DA forms 2166-8 dated 20020731 and 20030731
Award citation dated 19981117
Enlisted Record Brief dated 20030818
and my current Enlisted Record Brief
The 16th Infantry Regiment's DUI was approved by The Institute of Heraldry on 19261124."
In section 5, I described the authority and qualifications:
"I request authorization to wear the 16th Infantry Regiment Distinctive Unit Insignia (DUI) in place of the Regimental Distinctive Insignia (RDI) IAW AR 670-1 para 21-24 and DA PAM 670-1 para 21-24.
I successfully served with the 1st Battalion of the 16th Infantry Regiment from 19971202 until 20031120.
Records in my OMPF that are evident of this service include:
DD form 214 dated 20031120
DA form 2166-7 dated 20010731,
DA forms 2166-8 dated 20020731 and 20030731
Award citation dated 19981117
Enlisted Record Brief dated 20030818
and my current Enlisted Record Brief
The 16th Infantry Regiment's DUI was approved by The Institute of Heraldry on 19261124."
AR 600-82 has been completely rescinded. It is no longer on APD. My assessment is that you can wear the DUI of any unit you were previously in. I got wind of this change being in the works back in 2008 specifically so that non-combat arms MOSs who served in regiments can continue to wear that DUI. I've already submitted my 4187 to affiliate with an infantry regiment. I'll let you know how it goes.
SSG Kevin McCulley
SFC, The RDI is worn in lieu of the DUI above the name plate on the Class A Service Coat, Class B Shirt (optional), and Pull-Over sweater. I think your confusion may come from where in 670-1 it talks about wearing a RDI in lieu of a DUI if the unit has not been authorized a DUI and is not attached to DUI bearing unit either. In that case, the RDI it refers to is of the 'whole corps' regiments found in OSD and FSD components like the Signal Regiment or the AMEDD Regiment as opposed to a numbered historical regiment like 3d Infantry or 32d Armor. This is speaking about what is worn on the Beret and Epaulets of the Class A Service Coat.
Traditionally, distinctive unit insignia were only authorized to so called color bearing units meaning that they rate their own colors. Such units are generally battalion size or larger. Smaller units do not rate such heraldry. Such units wear the DUI's of their next higher headquarters. RDI's, however, have been previously limited by MOS. Since all the regiments were in combat arms, non Combat Arms troops would wear an RDI representing their entire career field. Some career fields, such as public affairs, have never had a battalion or size element in their history and thus wear AG as their RDI. With the new change, the limitations of MOS have been removed and you can affiliate with any regiment you have honorably served in.
If you're thoroughly confused, it is understandable. This is all a product of the Army dissolving the Regimental structure in favor of the so called Pentomic Formation to fight a nuclear war. Battalions became battlegroups and all kinds of other officer induced shenanigans. They realized that there would be a continued need to fight Conventional Wars and the destruction of the regimental tradition had a severe effect on esprit de corps. They then move the Army to the familiar brigade structure (which was originally a semi-provisional organization adjusted within the resources of a division based on mission need) that we see today. The RDI as expressed above the nameplate is an over-compromised attempt to satisfy the enlisted and keep some semblance of the Regimental system alive. At one time you could re-up for regiment of choice and attempt to stay in the standing battalions of a regiment in other brigade across the Army.
Frankly, I think we need to do away with the Brigade structure in favor of the Regimental Structure. Regiments could be re-assigned at will to other divisions and thus we wouldn't murder the souls of units every time a four star gets an idea and re-shuffles the Army. Look at the Cav Regiments that have the same MTO&E of SBCTs as a guide for what I am talking about.
Traditionally, distinctive unit insignia were only authorized to so called color bearing units meaning that they rate their own colors. Such units are generally battalion size or larger. Smaller units do not rate such heraldry. Such units wear the DUI's of their next higher headquarters. RDI's, however, have been previously limited by MOS. Since all the regiments were in combat arms, non Combat Arms troops would wear an RDI representing their entire career field. Some career fields, such as public affairs, have never had a battalion or size element in their history and thus wear AG as their RDI. With the new change, the limitations of MOS have been removed and you can affiliate with any regiment you have honorably served in.
If you're thoroughly confused, it is understandable. This is all a product of the Army dissolving the Regimental structure in favor of the so called Pentomic Formation to fight a nuclear war. Battalions became battlegroups and all kinds of other officer induced shenanigans. They realized that there would be a continued need to fight Conventional Wars and the destruction of the regimental tradition had a severe effect on esprit de corps. They then move the Army to the familiar brigade structure (which was originally a semi-provisional organization adjusted within the resources of a division based on mission need) that we see today. The RDI as expressed above the nameplate is an over-compromised attempt to satisfy the enlisted and keep some semblance of the Regimental system alive. At one time you could re-up for regiment of choice and attempt to stay in the standing battalions of a regiment in other brigade across the Army.
Frankly, I think we need to do away with the Brigade structure in favor of the Regimental Structure. Regiments could be re-assigned at will to other divisions and thus we wouldn't murder the souls of units every time a four star gets an idea and re-shuffles the Army. Look at the Cav Regiments that have the same MTO&E of SBCTs as a guide for what I am talking about.
*Update* (SFC Pate, thanks for bringing the change to our attention)
Here's the DA PAM's piece on it. Emphasis on paragraph b.
21–24. Insignia representing regimental affiliation
a. Authorization. AR 670–1 authorizes insignia used to represent regimental affiliation to consist of either the RDI
or DUI. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using an RDI is based on a Soldier’s branch/corps/special branch as
determined by PMOS or specialty. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using a DUI is based on a unit in which the
Soldier is serving or previously successfully served. Soldiers may wear the RDI for their affiliated regiment or may be approved to wear the DUI for a unit in which they are serving or previously successfully served.
b. Approval Process. Soldiers who desire to wear a DUI (in lieu of an RDI) to represent their regimental affiliation
must make the request using a DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action). A Soldier’s unit personnel office must verify the
Soldier’s assignment history to verify eligibility before changing the Soldier’s records.
c. How worn. The RDI or DUI, when worn as insignia to represent regimental affiliation,
Here's the DA PAM's piece on it. Emphasis on paragraph b.
21–24. Insignia representing regimental affiliation
a. Authorization. AR 670–1 authorizes insignia used to represent regimental affiliation to consist of either the RDI
or DUI. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using an RDI is based on a Soldier’s branch/corps/special branch as
determined by PMOS or specialty. A Soldier’s Regimental affiliation using a DUI is based on a unit in which the
Soldier is serving or previously successfully served. Soldiers may wear the RDI for their affiliated regiment or may be approved to wear the DUI for a unit in which they are serving or previously successfully served.
b. Approval Process. Soldiers who desire to wear a DUI (in lieu of an RDI) to represent their regimental affiliation
must make the request using a DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action). A Soldier’s unit personnel office must verify the
Soldier’s assignment history to verify eligibility before changing the Soldier’s records.
c. How worn. The RDI or DUI, when worn as insignia to represent regimental affiliation,
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