Posted on Oct 8, 2020
SSG Platoon Sergeant
I got a soldier, good soldier, not perfect but
He had recieved a recommendation for a field grade article 15 with a GOMOR for being in another soldiers barracks room with 6 other people playing spades......I was in a sergeant of the guard position at our Covid isolation center for a few months and in the middle of it I found out about what happened to my soldier... because it was ..I guess a violation of GO1 perhaps or the covid guidelines in place.......but even with all that said...all 8 soldiers are going through this...soldiers who enlisted...are away from their families...and simply wanted to
Play spades to pass time ....and they are hit with this??! Please I need some some feedback because this situation makes my blood boil that they went this far for punishment...does the GOMOR bar him from re-enlistment? How long can this last? I need some advice on this. Is it a legit punishment or could it be...politics...? I don’t think they played spades outta spite obviously, but just did it and forgot what they couldn’t do regarding the covid issues
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Responses: 31
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Orders to isolate/quarantine and not mingle with more than a set number of folks in a small area. Orders given by a General Officer. Soldiers violated said General's Order. Yep. GOMOR and FG Article 15 are what is coming. Also, if the Soldiers purposefully got together to play spades against the orders given, then it's not accidental violation. That's my read of the situation. Your Soldier and the other Soldiers are going to need to speak to JAG.

Outside of all that, the orders given are not illegal, immoral nor unethical. Therefore, your Soldier and the other Soldier can't pick and choose which orders to follow and which ones not to. It sucks. I get it. It sucks for everyone. But your Soldier decided to make this bed, now they have to sleep in it.
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LTC Greg Henning
You need to talk with a JAG officer to get the real advice.
1SG Dennis Hicks
1SG Dennis Hicks
>1 y
Sir that is the best advice. anything else would be opinion.
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CPT Company Commander
My first read of this is Yes, this is an acceptable punishment. While it is extremely harsh, this is a violation of an order given by an General Officer (hence GO). I have seen LTs get kicked out of the Army for violating COVID rules.
Remember only JAG can offer legal advice, but my initial read of this is they were in the wrong and this punishment is reasonable for the level of violation.
CW3 Kevin Storm
CW3 Kevin Storm
>1 y
I have seen GOMAR's given for a lot less.
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