Posted on Apr 6, 2015
What's your funniest "The Military Just Came Out Of Me" moment in the workplace?
Responses: 146
This happened when I was in the Military, I was acting 1SG when the 1SG was attending school. I put a SP4 on the duty Roster, I had a GS12 call me and tell me that he was in PAO and was exempt, I told her to have the NCO in charge of him call me, as I was not going to discuss Army issues with a civilian. she told the Captain at the PAO, that I told her I hated civilians. He came storming in my office shouting, I told him to leave my office and to enter properly as an Officer. He came in, and told me that the GS12 said I hated civilians, I told him that was impossible, I married one and had 4 tiny ones living in my house, He left laughing
SP5 Donna Barr
The proper terminology is "Yes, ma'am, let me help ma'am, yes I'll explain ma'am." I'm a WAC. They taught us while we were in, we weren't officially full citizens - and we're NOT - and ALL citizens outranked ALL public servants. That included the president and most uniforms. You kids need to wind in your necks and be proud to help the citizens of this country. What the hell do they teach you these days?
SN Maureen McClain
You were a Warrant? You do not talk to anyone like you did sir. If you ever talk to me like that I would have thought the same. Stand Down
lady came into my civilian job to perform a urine drug screen for employment. Apparently, I broke the instructions down so barney style, she actually complained to my lab boss that i should not talk to her like she is in the military
SPC Jason Brown
"Push the ON button. No, that's the "Copy" button. You can tell the difference because one says "ON" and the other says "Copy".
SP5 Donna Barr
I can write, draw, publish, and distribute a comic book. Get back with me when you can send me a signed copy of YOURS, Seven.
SN Maureen McClain
We are not getting the whole story. Did the :lady" have a title? I bet you were rude to her.
PO1 Ricky Allen, while it wasn't at a civilian workplace, I'll share an event that happened in New Orleans, at a Bingo Hall! I hit the Bingo for a $500 pot and yelled BINGO so loud that it scared the u-know-what out of some of those around us, the yell knocked the glasses off one guy and one woman about dove under the table! It got very quiet and then everyone burst out laughing!
LTJG Jeb Raitt
Sgt Dan Catlin - There was a retired Marine LtCol in one of the companies I worked for who had no inside voice. He always sounded like he was on a drill field.
Brad Miller
LTJG Jeb Raitt - It's a weirdness of English. Sergeant Major / Sergeants Major. Attorney General / Attorneys General. The plural is attached to the (main) noun.
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