Posted on Apr 4, 2015
Should the military pay by skillset or trade?
First of all, I'm not advocating for more or less pay. For discussions purposes, should the military consider paying service members by the job they do like the civilian community. In the civilian world, human resources personnel, computer experts, plumbers, missile experts, and burger flippers normally have different wage scales or salaries. Of course, I realize the military and civilian sector are different. my question is whether this an area we should be different and why? I'm not for or against this idea. Just curious what the RP family's take is?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 3
Well, we are all war fighters first and foremost. We should be paid based upon that, anything else and we wouldn't have a balance of work force...everyone would be shooting for the highest paying jobs.
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
everyone would be "shooting" for the highest paying jobs
I like the way you phrased
I like the way you phrased
If we did, it would need to be relative to the risk in each role. Combat arms, infantry, special forces etc would be paid the most, the people in the rear with the gear the least. I would not want a techy of the same rank making more than someone that puts their life at risk. I know that seems counterintuitive but not if you are getting shot at.
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
Cpl Jeff N. , I don't think it's counterintuitive. It's certainly a respectful point to consider. Another thing to consider is we're using more technology these days. Unlike the days of the past, a lot of assets and weapons are worthless without the techies today. Knowledge is power and valuable. Some of the technology allow us to the enemy with nothing but a techy behind a computer screen. We have various methods of fighting today.
I think if the military did do that, the intended pay scale would be a 160 from civilian. What a civilian programer would make in the military would be the lowest paid mos. The grunts would be the highest paid. I'm not saying that the ground pounders are all uneducated, but it would be like the higher educated people would get paid less. Only because you can't expect an office worker to get paid higher than a ground pounder.
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
You do make a solid point, the first priority is fight and defend the nation. Making a fighter quite valuable. That's being said, the law enforcement officers don't paid much in the civilian sector usually. They're the defenders of the homeland.
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