Recent Activity -
My career in the Air Force consisted solely in the Supply/Logistics arena. Initially as a direct duty Airman sent to RAF Lakenheath, UK working in the War Readiness Spares section of Base Supply. Upon PCS to Altus AFB, OK after a year of continuing with War Readiness there and not being able to attain a Career Job Reservation, I cross-trained into Supply Systems Management.
As Logistics Manager for the Joint Battle Command Platform Family of Systems (JBC-P FoS) Integrated Product Team (IPT) performed high level logistics support for Marine Corps Systems Command. Developed Hardware and Software Distribution Plans and Equipment Labeling Plan in support of MCSC Fielding Decision.
As Logistics Manager for the Joint Battle Command Platform Family of Systems (JBC-P FoS) Integrated Product Team (IPT) performed high level logistics support for Marine Corps Systems Command. Developed Hardware and Software Distribution Plans and Equipment Labeling Plan in support of MCSC Fielding Decision.
Military Experiences
Feb 2010 - Oct 2011
NCOIC, Customer Service Operations
Coordinated internal and external customer service requirements through the Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS). Managed five civilian and military personnel in the performance of record keeping and resolution of document discrepancies.
Jul 2006 - Feb 2010
Command Supply Systems Program Manager
HQ ACC/A4R division computer supply/accountable officer of 800K assets valued at over $2B.Provided computer resource management/Information Technology (IT) support to over 100 HQ ACC personnel. Security Manager--coordinated all division security investigations and executed data system preventive measures.
2002 - 2006
NCOIC, Computer Operations
Provided computer support to 5.5K supply customers supporting 379 aircraft, 10.5K vehicles, and 8.5K aerospace assets. Oversaw information technology support for 160 networked computers, peripheral equipment, Microsoft Windows based software, and Oracle based server applications. Command liaison between remote processing stations, Defense Enterprise Computing Center(DECC), Defense Finance and Accounting System(DFAS), and HQ Standard Systems Group(HQ SSG).
1997 - 2002
Supply Systems Operations (2S0X2)
Primarily responsible for the database maintenance of the Standard Base Supply System (SBSS) as well as generation and printing of statistical reports. Swing Shift Operations leader supervised a team of five operators.
Promoted to Small Computer and Systems Administrator, further went on to develop and advocate Paperless Operations which saved the Squadron over $250K in paper, printer supplies, and equipment repair.
Promoted to Small Computer and Systems Administrator, further went on to develop and advocate Paperless Operations which saved the Squadron over $250K in paper, printer supplies, and equipment repair.
(1 year, 6 months)Aug 2010 - Mar 2011

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Truck Commander, SNCO responsible for Afghan Army Fielding Depot training, support, and operations.
Apr 2004 - Sep 2004

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Supply Systems Analyst and Small Computer Technician responsible for the effective utilization of systems to maximize access to Supply Mainframe Computer.
Aug 1990 - Nov 1990
Persian/Arabian Gulf
Supply support for the War Readiness Spares Kits (WRSK). Directly enhanced the reliability of the F111-F Fighter aircraft.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Ended in Jul 1999
Ended in Mar 1992
Security Clearance
Personal Information