Posted on Jan 23, 2020
SSG Shop Foreman
I'm going to be arriving at Fort Irwin pretty soon after my reclass training for 91H. I'm already tracking I'll be part of 1/11th ACR. Can anyone give me some insight on what it'll be like there? I came from Korea so I'm trying to also gauge how the climate will be as well.
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Responses: 7
LTC Jason Mackay
Edited 5 y ago
SSG (Join to see) get ready for a crash course in field maintenance. I led two MSTs and was the Shop Officer of Maintenance Troop 11ACR 1994-1998. So your primary tracked system is a derivative of a M113 that is permanently visually modified to serve as the OPFOR Surrogate Vehicle OSV. There are Tank and IFV versions. The regiment fights a rotation each month for two weeks in the box against every CONUS Stryker/Mech/Armor BCT and sometimes light and Airborne task forces and BCTs. The regiment has some number of M1s and Brads for gunnery (used to be 8 and 16) and crew proficiency. I can't really tell you much about the OSV as it was a concept when I left. We supported M551 Sheridan VISMODs that represented T72s and BMP1-3.

Two seasons at Irwin. hot and windy and cold and windy season. You are going to learn so much about soldiering, field craft, field maintenance, etc you are not going to believe it. You are serving with a unit that does 2-3 week rotations each month, 11 months a year. Block leave is set in stone about 12 months out. Good deals on plane tickets as you lock in leave that far out.

There is a NG unit in NV and AZ that are war traced to 11th ACR. The NV unit is 221 CAV and they bring their M1s dressed up like T80s ever couple years. AZ is the artillery for the regiment if it rolls out.

What to expect? Expect it ain't Korea. Stay in shape, drink water.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
5 y
MSG (Join to see) - A&O? Did you know LTs Faber (friends since 1994, he retired last month as an O6) , Emond (same ROTC program), Shuping (recently reconnected). Was CPT Ed Fleming your Co Commander? If you look close in Katrina Levee briefings you'll see him. I think he was the big wheel in the Engineer district.

The CW2 who was the maintenance tech and I got into it often. Last straw was him illegally using my DODAC to drop manual requisitions for parts with the depot. If I never see an M9 ACE again it will be too soon. D7s were OK, but an emergency when they went down. Lots of,local purchases.

This was before your time, but we had a FLU419 in shop for almost 6 minutes months for an axle. We were tracking none in the Army system and got one from Mercedes off the factory floor only to lose it to some unit in Bosnia.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
5 y
LTC Jason Mackay - CPT Flemming was my commander when I first got there. I was assigned to 2nd Platoon. Faber and Shuping names sound familiar. They could have PCSd shortly after I got there.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
5 y
MSG (Join to see) - likely, we all left in 1998 to go to the advanced course. From the Regiment LTs class of 1994: Me, Faber, Wagner (511 MI), Birdsong (1/11) and Barbie (2/11 although he branch transferred to the Navy and was a LTCDR) were in the same class at the US Naval War College 2006-2007. Faber and I were in 4BCT 101st ABN at he same time...

Faber went back and commanded 58th if I'm not mistaken. So did Emond.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
5 y
MSG (Join to see) - Faber and I receiving our Spurs
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SSG Trevor S.
I was part of the AVN support unit, so I can't really speak to the OPTEMO and field requirments for the ACR unit. I can talk about the "off duty" part of life.
You asked about the climate, it is very similar to the Iraq / Kuwait border. Very dry and often hot. It might seem overwhelming but the heat is something you adjust to and isn't as bad as the posted averages would lead you to believe.
Off duty life consists of on post or road trips for entertainment and activities. The distance from larger towns and cities makes you feel like you are isolated. But! Being 2 hours from everything is way different than being in the middle of everything with a short trip of 2 hours to get nearly anywhere. It's in how you look at it. You will be closer to Los Vegas, Los Angeles (Disney and Universal Studios and the other tourist activities like whale watching), and San Diego (Sea World) than most postings you can get in the Army. It is a great time to take advantage of that centralized location and get some travel activities crossed off that bucket list.
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MSG Logistics Analyst
I was in the 1/11 ACR a long time ago at Ft Irwin and loved th job. It was the only unit i was in in my career where i knew the training schedule a year out and could actually make plans. My family on the other hand absolutely hated it. Have to drive 30 minutes to Barstow and 50 to Victorville, neither of which is the greatest towns in the wolrd just to do some shopping. The PX is tiny with weird hours. The commissary never has enough meat because the regiment and the rotational units clear it out before they head into the box. If your not taking block leave when scheduled all of the facilities have limited hours because most everyone does take block leave, but leaves the Soldiers not on leave with nothing available to them. But i loved being out in the field every month. Good luck. I sure dont miss it.
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