Posted on May 12, 2019
Do single soldiers live in the barracks at the Pentagon?
I will be PCSing to the Pentagon in a few months and I was wondering if single soldiers are given BAH to get a house or do we reside in barracks on a nearby installation? I am currently an E4 but will most likely be arriving to the Pentagon an E5. I was just wondering now so that I can start looking for a place to live so hopefully when I arrive there I can have an idea of where I'll be living.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 7
Maj Neal Jackman
I have a family member in the DC area. housing and daycare is so expensive one spouse has to work to pay for daycare or stay at home (the choice they made). BAH and BAS barely cover their expenses which were barely more than the daycare for one child. Try getting meals on the economy for less than $5 per meal.
Good luck. The cost of living in the area is sky high so BAH probably won't be enough.
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
That's strange. BAH is supposed to be high enough to cover housing costs in the area, right? Anywhere I've lived, the BAH was more than enough for reasonable housing with utilities and insurance.
SSG Brian G.
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA - BAH just covers the cost of rent. When you factor in electricity, water, gas and then the price of transportation it gets pricey. BAS helps somewhat with the food.
Housing is a problem in an and around DC because it is the center hub of the government and you have everything crammed in there, all competing for the same space. I was lucky to get something that was relatively close but even at at that it was $900 month. And on a Specialist salary even with BAS and eating in the chow hall 2 meals a day it was a struggle until I met my wife (roomie).
Housing is a problem in an and around DC because it is the center hub of the government and you have everything crammed in there, all competing for the same space. I was lucky to get something that was relatively close but even at at that it was $900 month. And on a Specialist salary even with BAS and eating in the chow hall 2 meals a day it was a struggle until I met my wife (roomie).
SGT (Join to see)
Don't forget the cost of vehicle storage or tickets which you will inevitably get in big cities which have 24hr pay parking everywhere. Also there is street cleaning move your vehicle every week for 7 months of the year which you will forgot to do or be out of town for one and possible have your vehicle towed. This also adds up!!
E-4 and below, regardless of job, providing they are unaccompanied, are assigned billets one one of the surrounding posts. You could be stationed at Ft Myer, Ft Belvoir, Ft McNair, Ft Meade.
When I was there Specialists could and often did get off post housing simply because of the large influx of personnel. But this is a request that has to be filed with command unless specified otherwise. It is not automatic.
When I was there Specialists could and often did get off post housing simply because of the large influx of personnel. But this is a request that has to be filed with command unless specified otherwise. It is not automatic.
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