Posted on May 9, 2019
Anyone know the best source to find decent paying jobs for veterans?
Why are we housing foreign refugees for free but leave our vets out on the street? I am on the verge of homelessness every month. Anyone know a reliable source to find government jobs for veterans?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 6
LTC Jason Mackay
SGT Benjamin Figuried - it says in your profile you have a watercraft certification by way of 88L. If you go to google and type jobs for 88L it will list jobs openings. The range was 40-70K per year.
I put mariner in the search box in USA Jobs. USA Jobs did not have many Military Sealift Command openings. There were 8. US Army Corps of engineers frequently looks for dredge and lighterage operators. I saw 2-3.
I put mariner in the search box in USA Jobs. USA Jobs did not have many Military Sealift Command openings. There were 8. US Army Corps of engineers frequently looks for dredge and lighterage operators. I saw 2-3.
USA Jobs on the govt. side-you might also start with some of the leading agencies who (at least used to) post openings online. Getting away from Federal, down to State and Municipal, there's usually a "portal" on the appropriate ".gov" site listing openings. I work for Municipal govt. and that's how my job was posted. Stuff runs in cycles, so go back...and back... and, you get the idea.
On the private side, it's "sometimes" less formal, which can be good and bad. Most people will tell you they landed the job because of networking, and having "been there, done that", I believe it is very accurate.
Bottom line, it's not an easy process, but there are some good steps-First, have a good, concise knowledge of what you want to do, remembering that there's a lot of potential crossover between former MOS and future employment codes/job descriptions. Second, "translate" your experience into "Civilian"... bear in mind that less is sometimes more, hiring is generally done using computer screening, and you get no "bonus" points for "creative writing". Third, make sure you meet all or at least most of the pre-qualifications...HR hates it when people apply for jobs where they have none to few of the listed skill sets. Fourth, consider going to trade shows, events, and other gatherings associated with the sector/industry you're interested in.
All the best!
On the private side, it's "sometimes" less formal, which can be good and bad. Most people will tell you they landed the job because of networking, and having "been there, done that", I believe it is very accurate.
Bottom line, it's not an easy process, but there are some good steps-First, have a good, concise knowledge of what you want to do, remembering that there's a lot of potential crossover between former MOS and future employment codes/job descriptions. Second, "translate" your experience into "Civilian"... bear in mind that less is sometimes more, hiring is generally done using computer screening, and you get no "bonus" points for "creative writing". Third, make sure you meet all or at least most of the pre-qualifications...HR hates it when people apply for jobs where they have none to few of the listed skill sets. Fourth, consider going to trade shows, events, and other gatherings associated with the sector/industry you're interested in.
All the best!
USA Jobs is a good source to find government jobs and there is veterans and disabled veterans preferences for many jobs listed, Linked In also is a veteran friendly job related social media site.
SGT Benjamin Figuried
I searched USA jobs to death. No responses back or got emails stating the job posting had ended.
CSM Richard StCyr
SGT Benjamin Figuried - Did anyone help you with your resume or show you how to translate your military skills to civilian equivalents. See it time and again where someone has everything the listing asks for and is to former military folks fully qualified but haven't demilitarized their resume to capture it in language the industry understands.
SGT Benjamin Figuried
I did have someone that puts resumes together do mine. If I could show you somehow I could probably allow you to get a better understanding of how my resume looks and if it is where it should be.
CSM Richard StCyr
SGT Benjamin Figuried - Shoot me a contact request, then cut and paste your resume into a message and I'll be glad to look / help. Make sure you don't have your ssn on the one you send.
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