Posted on Mar 27, 2019
SPC Infantryman
I’ve been in the army national Guard now for 6 years. 4 of those years as a specialist. I pass my PT tests, score expert in marksmanship, work well, and I’ve even asked however I can’t seem to get a BLC slot. Advice? And thank you all.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited 6 y ago
The courses themselves have plenty of room, except in the summer when everybody wants to go. I think you have a situation that is unit-specific.
1. Your unit is not allocated very many slots. This happens. However, most BLC courses will take in more than they can actually train, knowing quite a few will fall out on ht/wt or APFT or whatever. Look into getting put in on "wait" status.
2. Personalities are involved. Maybe your training NCO is lazy, or has a non-customer service mindset. The solution to that is getting your CoC, specifically your First Sergeant involved.
3. Maybe you aren't in "the club". From what I understand, that is a thing in Guard units. Sometimes they try to manage who gets promoted into limited positions by managing who goes to school when. Might need to turn on the charm with the powers that be to get your permission slip to go to school.
4. Maybe you just aren't noisy enough. You might feel like you asked about it, but you are a guy that they see once a month, and without following up with them on a work day, they just straight up forget about it. Be the squeaky wheel. Keep asking until the answer is yes or no with a reason why not.
Good luck SPC (Join to see) . Let me know how it turns out and what they say.
SPC Infantryman
SPC (Join to see)
6 y
I sure will
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2LT Army Reserve Unit Administrator
You can't go unless you've completed SSD-1 which should now be DLC-1.
Once you have those, complete a promotion packet and get added to the PPRL. Threat will give you high priority.
Keep at it, be flexible and available. It'll happen.
If it doesn't, switch to the USAR, we'll get you there!
SPC Infantryman
SPC (Join to see)
6 y
I completed SSD1 three years ago. But maybe I need to redo it? And I just may come over but who knows. Thank you.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
6 y
SPC (Join to see) - No need to redo it. Done is done.
SFC Air Traffic Control Equipment Repairer
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
It should show on your ERB ans having completed SSD1 in Section VI Military Education. If it does not than you might want to talk to your S1 and show them the certificate from the website. SPC (Join to see)
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SGT Jim Ramge, MBA
As I read some of these comments, a shame we are telling this kid to “make friends, get into the in crowd, get to know people...” WTF ever happened to being an NCO/Officer and taking care of your damn troops? Big Army, Little Army, NG, USAR, should ALL be held to the same standards, and if they are NOT, then there is a complete FAILURE in the Chain of Command! When you put on a uniform, it shouldn’t be to go to a damn social event, rather ones place of duty! Leave the damn politics to the legislative branch of government or get the hell out of the military! This seriously chafes my ass-end... Good luck kid, sorry I cannot help you with “Today’s” school standards other than to tell you to run through your Chain of Command, get the most in promotion points/status for the element you are in and be the best SPC in your outfit! Otherwise, would recommend you find a new home to rest your military boots for a lack of NCOs and Officers in your direct charge... Mind you, as previously mentioned, this could all be associated with funding. Look at your options... Take control of your career, don’t let them do it for you!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Maj Marty Hogan
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
SFC(P) Drill Sergeant
SFC(P) (Join to see)
6 y
I use to feel the same way as you when I first switched over to the Army I had no clue about the difference in national guard and army. But after awhile I learned.
So while I agree with the all should be held to the same standard it is well known the NG on a lot of things cant be held to the same standard with everything with active and reserve since they are ran different. The promotion system I have heard from a lot of NG soldiers is really jacked up a big reason is unlike Active and USAR they cannot get promoted if a slot doesn't exist in that state even if there is a slot that is 25 miles away in another state. But yes should be one set standard but the NG works a bit different when they aren't mobilized federally.
SGT Jim Ramge, MBA
SGT Jim Ramge, MBA
6 y
SFC(P) (Join to see) My whole point is it’s not a social club for big boys and girls, and it’s obviously turned into from what I just read...
SFC(P) Drill Sergeant
SFC(P) (Join to see)
6 y
SGT Jim Ramge, MBA - Oh I agree but from what I have heard the NG is defiantly a buddy buddy club. My old PS who had 16 years active 8 deployments 11b with 101st got off active for AGR slot when he became a single parent but the AGR slot was given to someone else. So he went to the closest NG unit there the 1SG there told him if they took him he would be an E5 and would have to earn his E7 within the unit. lmao he said he laughed at him and walked out. Craziness the stuff I have heard.
SPC Infantryman
SPC (Join to see)
6 y
Solid advice and thank you.
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