Posted on Mar 6, 2019
Secret security clearance expires this year and I need to renew. Questions?
Is the process the same when you initially apply for the clearance? I have some financial bluffs on there from about 6 years ago that I’m worried about. About $7k in debt that I’ve closed on. Will they do the face to face interview? Worried my clearance will be denied and then wondering where that’ll leave me.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 5
Not all background checks for a clearance require a face to face. I didn’t have to do a face to face for my Secret clearance. However, If you do just be honest and straight forward, what you have listed is not enough to deny you your updated clearance. Not to mention they are extremely backed up 12-18 months. Good luck to you....
SSG (Join to see)
I can’t remember since it’s been 10 years. If they do the face to face interview is it at the beginning or tail end? Like I could have more time pay these debts down before I talk with them? And since yours is still pending how do you know you won’t have to do the interview?
SFC (Join to see)
I don’t know if I’ll have to do an interview or not but I’m not going to focus on the interview. Continue to work on paying your debt down. Most people have some kind of debt (car payment, home loan, credit card) so it’s not a disqualification if you do. As long as you’re making your payments you’ll be good to go. SSG (Join to see)
Go see your Security Manager, having been a Sec Manager unless Operational Needs you can't start your new clearance till you are 30 days out. You will probably be interviewed but as long as you hve answers you should be OK. 7K really is not that much as long as you make regular payments....if you are behind contact the lender and arraign a better repayment schedule so they will see you are being proactive. as LTC Mackay said and I agree where service members get in trouble is when they try to cover up.
SSG (Join to see)
Yeah that’s what I’m trying to do, pay off as much as I can and make sure the arrangements are in place. Thanks!
See your security manager, usually the BN S2. You'll do an eQuip that picks up from your last investigation. Be honest. Being untruthful or omitting things is what really gets you in trouble fast.
They may ask for a statement discussing the financial entries they find. The Central Clearance Facility handles the horizontal and the vertical on all this.
They may ask for a statement discussing the financial entries they find. The Central Clearance Facility handles the horizontal and the vertical on all this.
SSG (Join to see)
I will definitely be honest. I know nothing can be done about it now but I’m just going to pay what I can and hope for the best. Just hate I didn’t check credit sooner and realize the mistakes I made when I was younger were still there.
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