Posted on Jan 14, 2019
LT Intelligence
According to DFAS Cleveland I am in eligible to sell back leave. Throughout my career I sold back 60 days of leave making me ineligible to sell leave in the future. In 2013 I tried to sell back leave and the payment was rejected. I was not allowed to receive a penny for any of the leaf I had sold because I was in eligible to sell any more leave It took me 3.5 years to recover the days that were subtracted from my leave account and get them reinstated Two weeks ago I requested to take 73 days of terminal leave and the OIC did not approve it and said that I must sell back most of the leave. I told him I am ineligible and will not receive a penny for any leave that is sold back and this could potential he cost me upwards to $25,000 in lost wages. Who can I contact to help me get this leave approved as soon as possible? If the officer in charge knows that I am ineligible to sell back leave is he justified and making me lose upward to $25,000 just because he does not want to approve terminal leave? Is this ethical? Is this moral? Is this criminal?
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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
LT (Join to see), I'd contact your personnel office that is handling your separation actions. Terminal leave is handled a bit different than normal "everyday" leave but I'm a bit rusty on specifics. They should be able to answer your questions.

OH! BTW- Your OIC must indicate in writing why leave is being denied. "I just don't want her to have it" is not going to pass muster. There must be a compelling reason (such as mission critical manning, Needs of the Service, etc). Unless the rules have changed since I retired, I do not believe your command can force you to sell leave. Especially in a ETS situation.
LT Intelligence
LT (Join to see)
6 y
I’ll definitely be asking the N1 because my greatest fear is being forced to sell that leave back when I do not qualify for sell back and will receive no monetary compensation. That creates financial hardship. Just like all the government workers affected by this 2019 longest shut down in history. It impacts all of us when they do not pay us. The only difference between me and the government workers is they will recuperate their money mine will remain forever unpaid.
MAJ Ronnie Reams
MAJ Ronnie Reams
>1 y
I am not up on Navy, but I guess your OIC is your Division Officer. In the Army, it would be the CO that approves or disapproves leave. In the Navy, I guess that would be your Captain.
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SGT Donald Croswhite
This is a sticky situation. What I would do if talk to the S1 OIC. They have the ear of the Battalion commander. I would go in asking for advice and not how to get around your OIC. It is terminal leave, so any burnt bridges won't be of consequence.
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