Posted on Oct 12, 2018
Patricia McIntosh-Mize
My son is a college graduate and is interested in going to Army OCS. He's 24 years old and in excellent physical condition. He was a solid C student while in college so his GPA was not stellar, but it was more due to a lack of effort than lack of intelligence. He's snapped out of it now and has realized the value of giving everything he does his very best (be all you can be!), and he REALLY wants to be an Army officer, but the recruiter he spoke with is insisting he can't go to Army OCS without a higher GPA.

My understanding is that the Army does not have a minimum GPA requirement for OCS -- so long as the person applying has earned a degree from an accredited college/university and has no other issues, they are qualified to be considered.

Is that still true -- that the degree itself is the main criteria -- or have the standards changed for admission to OCS and there is now a minimum GPA required?
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Responses: 19
LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
I was reading it is a big determinant for active-duty. I was the not the most Stellar student and my cumulative GPA was 2.84. I did not go into OCS to the California Army National Guard until way later. When I was completing my course most recent course CGSOC, I had a commutative average of 92%. If your Son does not get selected, tell him to go into an Army Reserve or National Guard unit and later go to OCS and he will make it! I am proof positive that you can reinvent yourself. I went in as an officer when I was almost 34 years old. My next Duty assignment will be as a deputy commander of a regional support group so don't let this situation phase you or your son! Patience and persistence will pay off.
SN Greg Wright MAJ Ken Landgren CPT Lawrence Cable LTC Trent Klug LTC Jeff Shearer LTC Stephen F. SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
COL Mikel J. Burroughs CSM Charles Hayden CPT Chris Loomis MAJ (Join to see) Maj Marty Hogan
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
CGSOC is command and general staff officer course required for Majors to prepare for the higher rank of LTC.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - I hated the procurement part the most but I learned what how the checks and balances were thrown out the window after 9/11 for the F-35 and how its $165 Billion and 6 years behind back in 2015. I can imagine it is much higher now. Canada has opted out of the Jet as well.
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1LT Production Management Specialist
According to my criteria sheet for entrance into OCS you had to have a GT score of 110 or higher in addition to my Bechelors degree. The GPA wasn't a consideration...that I am aware of.
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LTC Trent Klug
Well, I guess the old mantra of "2.0's a GO" may need to be reconsidered.

My GPA wasn't stellar either and I made it in and have lasted this long.
Toshi Nara
Toshi Nara
>1 y
what was your major and gpa? I'm asking because I have a 3.2 in Liberal Arts degree
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
>1 y
I was a 2.9 Social Sciences with minor in Administration of Justice kind of guy. It was the best of the majors Portland State offered at their satellite campuses. I was working a full time job with the Federal Prisons, and was a Platoon Leader, Company XO, and Battalion S1 all while finishing college.
You should have no problem with your major and GPA
LTC Cyber Warfare Officer
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
Cyber O-5 here. 2.9 GPA in Math and Computer Science. OCS Grad, 2006.
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