Does RCP affect prior service soldiers the same as new enlistees? I have 5 years active in the Army, and I am looking at getting back into the Army. I was an E-5 when I got out, but I would probably be an E-4 getting back in. Would this mean I would get back in, and only have 3 years to make E-5 or I get booted under RCP?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
The good thing is there are military police units in the Army Reserve and National Guard Nationwide. I am military police enlisted and I was commissioned as a second Lieutenant as an MP.
CSM Charles Hayden LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC (Join to see) MAJ (Join to see) CPT Chris Loomis
CSM Charles Hayden LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC (Join to see) MAJ (Join to see) CPT Chris Loomis
Did you ever think about checking out the Army Reserve in the Army National Guard active Guard Reserve program? To me it's a crock of crap they conveniently take a stripe from you. The AGR program is a full-time guard position. They are available Nationwide for select individuals and you get the same benefits as active duty and you go to the active-duty school.

Active Guard Reserve - Wikipedia
Active Guard Reserve (AGR) refers to a United States Army and United States Air Force federal military program which places Army National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers and Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve airmen on federal active duty status under Title 10 U.S.C., or full-time National Guard duty under Title 32 U.S.C. 502(f) for a period of 180 consecutive days or greater in order to provide full-time support to National Guard and...
State National Guard AGR probably only keeps you in your home state while Army Reserve AGR means you could transfer anywhere. Our latest E7 AGR in our S-1 Department came from Philadelphia, PA. I know you want to go active duty but taking a stripe cost you money and I don't think the Army Reserve will remove a stripe if they select you. The reserve component like us will allow a marine Corporal to come in, come in as a specialist then get promoted to Sergeant because he had his basic NCO course out of the way. I'm talking from experience because I knew a prior service Marine who works with me who made E6 in 3 years coming in as an e-4. He was with me in a civil Affairs unit. If you have your basic leadership course or pldc out of the way then you are fine!

Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Reserve Jobs | GoArmy.com
Learn what it takes to be an Active Guard Reserve (AGR) soldier and find information about Active Guard Reserve (AGR) jobs on goarmy.com.
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