Posted on Jun 21, 2018
What's the best source you know of for tactical training manuals?
Responses: 2
That is an interesting question, my friend SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA Personally. I use US Army Publications when looking for tactical training manuals.
What do you think? COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. LTC Orlando Illi Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price CPT Jack Durish Capt Tom Brown MSG Andrew White SFC William Farrell SGT (Join to see) Sgt Albert Castro SSG David Andrews Sgt Randy Wilber Sgt John H. CPL Dave Hoover SGT Mark Halmrast SPC Margaret Higgins SrA Christopher Wright PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
What do you think? COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. LTC Orlando Illi Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price CPT Jack Durish Capt Tom Brown MSG Andrew White SFC William Farrell SGT (Join to see) Sgt Albert Castro SSG David Andrews Sgt Randy Wilber Sgt John H. CPL Dave Hoover SGT Mark Halmrast SPC Margaret Higgins SrA Christopher Wright PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSgt Boyd Herrst
The various tech manuals would be an excellent source.. I remember going over to another school that had JROTC and they had their own library of various Military tech manuals with warnings posted about unauthorized copying...
A Senior tech advisor (one of many Retired Military NCOs assigned to guide the budding future aspirants in the program)had to be in the room . Notes could be taken ...
Checked over to see notes matched
What they were currently studying. about (I.e. ; the A-10 warthog and its attributes)... or the JdAM bomb..
how used.. what makes it’s workings... I think the restrictions had some P.C. Involved... so cadets wouldn’t delve info that had info to be able to use in a wrong way(build a bomb or other devise that could be used to injure Citizens in the community (like a cadet would have those ulterior motives in their heart and mind)... I suppose it would be to blank out various whole pages because of not applicable to train’g purpose(s) for cadet personnel. ..
Hence having monitors/proctors in the room..
On another note... why would a person who really had no business perusing Military tech manuals that might reveal making various ideas
Like making an IED.. being used to slow down, not seriously injure or kill..(all that would be needed is to attach an explosive device that could seriously cripple or kill.). I used to go to a local Military surplus store and they had various tech manuals used by the Army and pages, paragraphs, pics on pages with plain paper(like pieces of light brown shopping bag glued over the picture.. it had a note printed on why it was covered.. and a legal directive.. Why not just remove the whole book.. the value was decreased but the price was not. I
Would just get the government cat
Number and go on-line.. if they didn’t want me to see something it’d be blacked over. To get to see
one submitted their ssn and if authorized they could return and peruse w/o bother.. if not.. back to stage one. I’d only been interrupted once and it was a mistake. It was about field Stove operation.. 1949 model. I even put in what my career field was. They came back and stated I no longer needed access to the operation of the field stove.. maybe they thought I had an ulterior use.. I couldn’t find my own books from Tech school at Fort Lee, VA. I know I had them at one point in time after I had got out.. I thought it’d be neat one day to get hold of a unit and Use at a cabin.. and having the book for it would help me remember about getting the air pressure to a specific point(I believe it was 8 to 10 lbs).. and other maintenance and trouble-shooting points.. My dad asked one time why I kept those books..
“Dad, why did you keep your Hospitalman book from the navy?”
Mom said that was mean.. I understand, she was just defending the man she’d been betrothed to..
Dad got it and he backed off.. Mom asked me about my various Chef books(The Professional Chef, volumes from different generations.. And different and improved cooking methods(I think that s’times using the old preserves s’thing about the item ..the taste.(?)
S’times change to new improved
Method(s)’steals a classic flavor.
In another up-to-date volume, a new method (to hurry cooking)
Is introduced and classic flavor is gone and that’s the carmelization of the skin... <-that was part of the beauty of the classic method. (The new method was a healthy approach... so giving up that carmelization/flavor for a ‘bland’
healthy blob of meat that supposedly still gives nutrition
but no joy in savouring the flavor as it slides down the passage way to one’s stomach. Back to field unit;
It offered a flat lid that if inverted one could use the meats own fat to carmelize the outside of it before or waiting to midway point(which I prefer but that involves another cook unit and moving to higher position (maybe not). And having that lid inverted to sear that/those roasts.. and then back into it’s roast
pan to finish cooking.. this is where I added some potato, carrot, celery, carmelized and regular onion into roast pan to finish the roasts. These items usually are mashed in and used in the gravy... I lined bring field cooking to a new level.. not just throwing a bunch of roasts in pots and putting unit in bottom and let cook.. Innovation is the key.
Field manuals don’t leave but little room.. (what were them guys at Nattick Labs thinking... not about producing flavorful food!). I know that getting the troops fed is main mission is main point.. and getting done quick as possible.. All they wanted us to do is boil some roasts
and bland vegs and starch and feed the troops and keep them moving..!
Little room to make meals enjoyable.. if we got time to set up a Base and a field kitchen and dining area, we got time to make food in a field enjoyable ! So a small part of this as a rant.. Why do some wonder why their Mess areas are half empty? The smart ones are next door at the Airbase ..
(They wee in my day...) some of us wondering where all these extra troops coming from at mealtime..
(The Airmen of all stripes that were just there to do their time and get in and out the Airmen’s DF in minimal time and didn’t care much how it was cooked, just that it is there for them)...
A Senior tech advisor (one of many Retired Military NCOs assigned to guide the budding future aspirants in the program)had to be in the room . Notes could be taken ...
Checked over to see notes matched
What they were currently studying. about (I.e. ; the A-10 warthog and its attributes)... or the JdAM bomb..
how used.. what makes it’s workings... I think the restrictions had some P.C. Involved... so cadets wouldn’t delve info that had info to be able to use in a wrong way(build a bomb or other devise that could be used to injure Citizens in the community (like a cadet would have those ulterior motives in their heart and mind)... I suppose it would be to blank out various whole pages because of not applicable to train’g purpose(s) for cadet personnel. ..
Hence having monitors/proctors in the room..
On another note... why would a person who really had no business perusing Military tech manuals that might reveal making various ideas
Like making an IED.. being used to slow down, not seriously injure or kill..(all that would be needed is to attach an explosive device that could seriously cripple or kill.). I used to go to a local Military surplus store and they had various tech manuals used by the Army and pages, paragraphs, pics on pages with plain paper(like pieces of light brown shopping bag glued over the picture.. it had a note printed on why it was covered.. and a legal directive.. Why not just remove the whole book.. the value was decreased but the price was not. I
Would just get the government cat
Number and go on-line.. if they didn’t want me to see something it’d be blacked over. To get to see
one submitted their ssn and if authorized they could return and peruse w/o bother.. if not.. back to stage one. I’d only been interrupted once and it was a mistake. It was about field Stove operation.. 1949 model. I even put in what my career field was. They came back and stated I no longer needed access to the operation of the field stove.. maybe they thought I had an ulterior use.. I couldn’t find my own books from Tech school at Fort Lee, VA. I know I had them at one point in time after I had got out.. I thought it’d be neat one day to get hold of a unit and Use at a cabin.. and having the book for it would help me remember about getting the air pressure to a specific point(I believe it was 8 to 10 lbs).. and other maintenance and trouble-shooting points.. My dad asked one time why I kept those books..
“Dad, why did you keep your Hospitalman book from the navy?”
Mom said that was mean.. I understand, she was just defending the man she’d been betrothed to..
Dad got it and he backed off.. Mom asked me about my various Chef books(The Professional Chef, volumes from different generations.. And different and improved cooking methods(I think that s’times using the old preserves s’thing about the item ..the taste.(?)
S’times change to new improved
Method(s)’steals a classic flavor.
In another up-to-date volume, a new method (to hurry cooking)
Is introduced and classic flavor is gone and that’s the carmelization of the skin... <-that was part of the beauty of the classic method. (The new method was a healthy approach... so giving up that carmelization/flavor for a ‘bland’
healthy blob of meat that supposedly still gives nutrition
but no joy in savouring the flavor as it slides down the passage way to one’s stomach. Back to field unit;
It offered a flat lid that if inverted one could use the meats own fat to carmelize the outside of it before or waiting to midway point(which I prefer but that involves another cook unit and moving to higher position (maybe not). And having that lid inverted to sear that/those roasts.. and then back into it’s roast
pan to finish cooking.. this is where I added some potato, carrot, celery, carmelized and regular onion into roast pan to finish the roasts. These items usually are mashed in and used in the gravy... I lined bring field cooking to a new level.. not just throwing a bunch of roasts in pots and putting unit in bottom and let cook.. Innovation is the key.
Field manuals don’t leave but little room.. (what were them guys at Nattick Labs thinking... not about producing flavorful food!). I know that getting the troops fed is main mission is main point.. and getting done quick as possible.. All they wanted us to do is boil some roasts
and bland vegs and starch and feed the troops and keep them moving..!
Little room to make meals enjoyable.. if we got time to set up a Base and a field kitchen and dining area, we got time to make food in a field enjoyable ! So a small part of this as a rant.. Why do some wonder why their Mess areas are half empty? The smart ones are next door at the Airbase ..
(They wee in my day...) some of us wondering where all these extra troops coming from at mealtime..
(The Airmen of all stripes that were just there to do their time and get in and out the Airmen’s DF in minimal time and didn’t care much how it was cooked, just that it is there for them)...
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
LTC Stephen F. Army manuals seem very dense and inaccessible to me. I'm no dim bulb, but I have a hard time getting anything out of them. You should check out the stuff from Special Tactics. It's clear and understandable, superbly illustrated.
SSgt Boyd Herrst These days it's easy to walk into a surplus store or even download a pdf from the internet of an unredacted FM on Guerrilla Warfare or Improvised Munitions.
SSgt Boyd Herrst These days it's easy to walk into a surplus store or even download a pdf from the internet of an unredacted FM on Guerrilla Warfare or Improvised Munitions.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
Prob’ly will have to do that way.. i took a field manual up to cashier and showed them.. s’body annoited
Themsellves to be censor.. that’s not censoring. It’s vandalism !
Themsellves to be censor.. that’s not censoring. It’s vandalism !
Cant answer you question because I would like to know where to find special tactics material.
SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA

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