Posted on Dec 9, 2014
SFC Inprocessing
Due to the fact that most Recruiters and Drill Instructors are DA selected, is it fair to look at one more favorably than the other?
Posted in these groups: Recruiting logo RecruitingDrill Drill Sergeant
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Responses: 29
1SG Michael Blount
Edited >1 y ago
IMHO, Drill Sergeants have an outsized impact on the Army vs. Recruiters. As a result, DS duty tends to stand as being better than a Recruiter.
Remember the cadence
"My recruiter told me a lie.
Join the Army gonna jump and fly.
Put my name on the dotted line.
Now all I do is double-time."

Now - do you think a Recruiter could think of something like that? Being serious, if you're a DS, you can also instruct at any NCOES or MOS school

Yah, I'm a Drill.
SFC Inprocessing
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
1SG Michael Blount , I'm a Gold Badge Recruiter, and now on the trail myself! Thanks for the comment.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - Anything to help out a Battle
SFC David Xanten
SFC David Xanten
6 y
Ha ha
SFC Michael D.
SFC Michael D.
>1 y
Now Top, I know you remember what you'd tell a Private if they called you a Drill. "Do you see a cord hanging out of my ass? Do you see Black & Decker tatooed on my fore head?" "Get down and beat your face" Those were some stressful but fulfilling times.
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SGM Operations Ncoic
Well, I have done both and they each have their highs and lows. The recruiting has a stigma of putting anyone in boots and letting the Drill Sergeant train them. That is not always true. DS can have seriously long hours but so can recruiting. If I had to pick one , it would be DS. There is no other feeling in the world like having a hand in training our Soldiers. And recruiters don't get the round brown. That is another experience that is hard to imitate. Both are really good for your career and show you know how to take care is Soldiers, train and address their admin needs. I have found that DA select are not always the best choice in these positions though. Funny thing, many don't want to be there and it can show in their attitude and performance. I'm not saying that's true for all DA selects, but some for sure.
SFC Inprocessing
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM (Join to see), thanks for the comment SGM.

I just earned my second badge myself. I'm on my first cycle as a Drill.

I agree with you completely about the DA selects. I easily identified that during my time as a Recruiter, the Drill Sergeant Academy, and now in my current unit.

I really just despise the fact that it's almost a punishment, with regards to promotions, to be a recruiter compared to a Drill Sergeant. I believe that Recruiting should only be a 2 year duty if it's not going to be held as high as Drill duty. 3 years is also way to long to bring a Squad Leader out of their MOS, then send them to the operational Army and them be on the same level as their peers.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
>1 y
No more rewarding feeling than when you stand in front of those IET Soldiers on Day 63, think back on how far they came from Zero Day and remember who got them there.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
Both? Are you a glutton for punishment SGM (Join to see)?
SGM Operations Ncoic
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
Hahaha. I guess so. I know that training, admin and management weigh heavy in higher ranks promotion. Also, that type of diversity helps too.
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SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
Recruiting is job in sales, but drill sergeant duty is easier sell to the senior leadership that have the potential to perform at the next level. You get more face time with troops and an opportunity to prove you train and lead. By the time I finish, I had been the platoon sergeant of over 700 soldiers
SFC Inprocessing
SFC (Join to see)
10 y
SFC Michael Jackson, I definitely agree with you about training Soldiers. That being said, NCOs are supposed to do that all the time. Recruiting demonstrates an NCOs ability to work outside of their comfort zone. They are also ambassadors for the Army when it comes to building relationships with the community and it's officials. I definitely respect Drill sergeants and will be a Drill Instructor for my next assignment, but Recruiting is extremely under rated.
SFC Mark Sutton
SFC Mark Sutton
10 y
Having been a Recruiter for three and a half years. I can say one of the main reasons Drills are looked at more favorable then Recruiters is the face time the Drills get. They are stationed at training installations, Recruiters are away from the military bases living with the civilian communities. When was the last time an Army General made the round of every recruiting station in the USA? Versus seeing the training installations. Drill SGT is a two year assignment, Recruiter is a three year assignment. We Recruiters have to hunt and find those soon to be Soldier that you Drill SGTs will train. I survived Recruiting. My last year in Recruiting I was the Top Recruiter of the year for the Denver Recruiting BN and when I left all I got was an ARCOM, Drill SGTs PCS with no less than an MSM for doing the job of an NCO.
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
10 y
SFC Kenneth Watson, recruiting may be under rated by some, but not by me. I had the pleasure of being a Recruiter and a Drill Sergeant. One might say, "I know the Drill". I have significant respect for the recruiting profession. What you stated is true, and I agree with you. The challenge is when the decisions are made, we're not there to explain it. Evaluations are our ambassadors
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
8 y
SFC Mark Sutton - Ran across this, and was definitely amused. I've never, ever heard of a Drill getting a MSM just for their trail time.

I didn't even get an ARCOM. And that's after winning Drill Sergeant of the Year at the brigade level.
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