What holiday schedule would you like the services to adopt and why?
I have experienced 3 different versions of a holiday schedule:
1. Day on/ Day off for the two weeks covering Christmas and New Years.
2. Half day schedule during the same time period and most individuals are home by 1300.
3. Split days which was a half day schedule, but we had morning and afternoon shifts to cover a full duty day.
I know there are certain duties that are nonstop and cannot afford the opportunity of a holiday schedule, but I have heard a few SMs from all branches say,..." why don't services just shutdown or go to a skeleton crew for those two weeks?" (obvious, a complete shutdown is out of the question)...
I'm curious as to how the other Services operate during the holidays and any holiday schedule experience worth passing up my channels. I'm not a fan of the half days, because those in demanding positions will typically do full days anyway. I find myself playing catch up during this time. The day on day off worked best and can still operate at skeleton crews very well. The split days worked well for those whose mission is 24hrs. I have worked them all and feel the services should leave it to unit commanders on how they can man their organizations while accomplishing the mission.
understanding that not all units are built the same, I believe split shift half days would be the most equal Holiday schedule if one was adopted across the D.o.D.Most people take a block leave during the time any way, leaving the ones who didn't behind with the work load. As long as the mission is fullfilled properly with a split shift half day, it allows everyone time to unwind a little, and have a little more time with family (at home, or via skype).