MSG Bobby Ewing

MSG Bobby Ewing

Dates of Service: Aug 1997 - Aug 2023
85% Complete
137 Contacts
Influence Score: 48,305
1,421 out of 868,063 Veterans
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  • PVT Aug 97
  • PV2 Oct 97
  • PFC Aug 98
  • SPC Feb 99
  • SGT Nov 99
  • SSG Jul 03
  • SFC Aug 08
  • MSG Dec 16

Recent Activity  -


Over my 23 year career, I have held all leadership positions for each of the respective ranks. Since being promoted to MSG, my new goals are to serve as a 1SG ASAP, finish my masters degree within the next year, and maintain a competitive record until I retire. If Big Army selects me for SGM before I hang up my boots great, if not, I know I did my best.

Military Experiences

Aug 2015 - Jul 2018
Emergency Action NCO
Responsible for the operational readiness, management, and control of the National Military Command Center (NMCC) Site-R Emergency Action (EA) supporting the National Military Command System (NMCS); coordinates, supports and executes the operation and training requirements for five Operations Teams (OT) and select Joint Staff personnel at NMCC Site-R; provides oversight to EA civilian support provided by the 114th Signal Battalion; supervises the daily operation and maintenance of numerous critical command and control systems and voice circuits valued at $300,000,000.
Dec 2014 - Aug 2015
5th SIG Cmd HHC
Current Operations NCOIC
Served as G3 Current Operations NCO for 5th Signal Command; responsible for providing enterprise information technology support to two COCOMs, two ASCCs, NATO/Coalition partners, and U.S. elements within international military organizations across two continents; responsible for providing command oversight for transport and enterprise service access to units forward deployed; responsible for planning, directing, coordinating and conducting cyber activities in support of regional actions and cyberspace operations; responsible for the health and welfare of two NCOs, one Soldier and their families
Dec 2012 - Nov 2014
Detachment Sergeant
Serves as a Detachment Sergeant for a headquarters detachment forward-deployed in Europe, consisting of 82 Soldiers; provides C4I support to three geographically dispersed Network Enterprise Centers (NEC) that service HQ USAREUR, 66th MI Brigade, as well as DoD and Joint Agencies; advises the Commander on all matters relating to enlisted Soldiers; oversees unit daily operations consisting of supply, maintenance, administrative, and training functions; responsibilities extend to unit discipline, standards and leadership, individual Soldier training and deployability;
Jul 2012 - Dec 2012
5th SIG Cmd HHC
Plans and Operations NCO
Serves as the Future Operations (FUOPS)- Plans and Operations NCO for US Army Europe 5th Signal Command (T); responsible for providing C4 support to two COCOMs, two ASCCs, NATO/Coalition partners, and US elements within international military organizations across two continents; responsible for providing situational awareness to the Commander on all operation, tactical, and technical SITREPs; tracks operational movements in direct support of USAREUR and joint exercises supporting Overseas Contingency.


(3 years, 2 months)
Feb 2011 - Jan 2012
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Joint Network Node (JNN) PSG, 589th Signal Company, 170th BCT, forward deployed for the safety, health, and welfare of one Officer, six NCOs, and 19 Soldiers supporting the BCT with tactical NIPR, SIPR, CENTRIX, DSN, and SVOIP services at Camp Spann
Oct 2005 - Sep 2006
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Night shift Network Controller HHC 440th; managed and assisted with mobile, tactical communications network; coordinated organic elements to provide command, control and communications for the 22D Signal Brigade and subordinate units; served as Staff PSG responsible for the health, welfare, and morale of 53 Soldiers;
Feb 2004 - Mar 2005
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) SEN Team Chief in support of the 1st Cavalry Division, 3BCT HQ, Green Zone, Iraq; supervised the installation, operation, and maintenance of 2 Comm Shelters; responsible for the health and welfare of five Soldiers

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

Graduation cap EducationFamily fun; sportsInternational marching leagueAe5debb6 Travel


Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
- Observed performance while in garrison
One of the best NCOs I've ever known
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
- Observed performance while in garrison
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
- Observed performance while in garrison
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison

Air Force | Political-Military Affairs Strategist

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Great comments by his peers. Great military career.
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