At one time we had party lines, pay phones and teletype and as change happened, society changed along with it. Social sites have a way of connecting people but there is that risk of harassment and other things. Personally employers have no right to snoop. It is online voyeurism and detrimental in building trust.
In other words, employers should not spy and neither should anyone else. Intelligence Agencies have a vested interest in rooting out dangerous subversives so I get that.
We all know every leader at least in the Army has a blackberry, so it just goes hand in hand for the future, as we have seen the issuance of smart phones to Soldiers with the apps for getting information easier and communicating on the battlefield. It only makes sense that social media is now becoming a bigger part of all that as well, I see orders being sent to SMs for various things from PCS's to Awards to actual taskings and OPORDS. It is and will be the way of the future for the military.
Do you agree or disagree?