Posted on Feb 18, 2017
COL President
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Responses: 126
MAJ Joe Bentley
Maybe people will realize that whatever happened, happened when Obama was president and a high level warrant had to be issued in order to monitor Flynn's conversation with his Russian counterpart. Obama nor Clinton has actually answered any questions about their conduct on many issues. For real though, Trump is president for the next 4 years.
Cpl Aussie Kimble
Cpl Aussie Kimble
7 y
SSG Kenneth Aponte - its never honorable to pick on kids then alone disabled children. dont matter how much you hate the father the kids are a no go zone. you of all people should know thats not kool. there is zero honor picking on a defenseless child. ive seen alot of people picking on the president and not say crap about the other side. the people who dodged serving in combat with money. the bushes clinton just refused to go. obama wouldnt have gone hes to much of a spineless succubus to even serve then alone go to combat. hillary was refused service by the marines because she was unfit to serve (says alot about how she treats them dont it.) mccain lets not forget this piece of garbage. the man gave up so much information after he was captured he costs alot of pilots to be shot down. he also made numerous anti american videos for the vietcong. he says he was coersed but many many vets say he was never even touched he did it freely. but what truly makes me hate him isnt that. what this pos did to hender the release of the pow/mia records that he made sure was sealed forever is beyond a doubt a traitors act to cover his own butt. nothing more then a common coward that has a horrible military record. the only reason he didnt get tried as a traitor for his actions in nam is his father and grand fathers service in the navy. the president slapped a big we forgive you all to cover even worse things mccain did. many nam vets cant stand him because they know him as song bird.
SSG Kenneth Aponte
SSG Kenneth Aponte
7 y
CPL Kimble... The Donald has only 1 child that is considered a minor and from my recollection and reviewing the conversation I don't see how I "picked on" or spoke of the young man for that matter. My comments were solely for the 3 older geniuses that made themselves open targets to everyone in the public. As soon as they appeared on every news channel spewing vitriol and complicit in fabricating and spreading lies. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT! Anyone who makes them self a public supporter or has made themselves open to the publicly defending and supporting an individual by default are open targets. You cant escape the criticism or blow back for comments made..sorry but its time to put on you big boy pants on and suck it up. You can't un-ring a bell or can't put a genie back in its bottle. And in regarding McCain... I suggest you get your facts right... Stop spewing BS.. regardless of what you think or anyone else thinks.. The man was captured and a Prisoner of War for 5 1/2 years. I'm certain the man spent more time as a POW than you in the Military; and you have the gall to call him garbage? How dare you? You CPL Kimble have no shame or no Honor and I assume these are 2 of many reasons that your service was cut short and overstayed your welcome. Personally, I'm satisfied and happy that you no longer are in the service and your better days are all behind you.
F off!!
Gordon Bleam
Gordon Bleam
>1 y
Both extremes are, ... well extremes, neither speak the truth. Our hope is moderating both extremes and finding a way to educate. we are a country that works well because (in my opinion) everyone, every view, every extream gets the same volume on their speech, we have all worked in countries that don't have that and have seen just how difficult life is for the majority.
Notice that none of us gravitate or vacation in those countries.
Sgt Harold Martinez
Sgt Harold Martinez
6 y
Everyone always blames obama for everything. Dont blame....change things. Also dont hold grudges, all that does is build animosity. Amen and Semper Fi.
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SPC Erich Guenther
Not even close to Watergate. President Trump is not as stupid as the Democrats, he will easily make it to the end of his term and possibly onto a second term.
SGT Stephen Jaffe
SGT Stephen Jaffe
7 y
President Trump is crude. I think he really cares about the country and wants to do things that will help everyone. He has something in common with some other folks you may have heard of. General George Patton-United States Army. General Curtis Lemay-United States Airforce. Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz - United States Navy. Lt. General Lewis Puller-United States Marine Corps. General Holland (Howlin Mad) Smith-United States Marine Corps. All of these flag officers were crude and in your face, but they were winners who got the job done.
LTC George Morgan
LTC George Morgan
7 y
1LT Thomas Jackson - Insulting the soldaten in this fashion 1Lt., will do little to further your career. Your job is to ASSIST in the leadership, teach and mentor not ridicule. Under my command we would have been having a "Come to Jesus Counselling!" My goal being, not to rip you off but to teach you Counselling Skills.
SP5 Ronald R Glaeseman
SP5 Ronald R Glaeseman
>1 y
It surprises me that the question got a 36% yes vote.
SP5 Ronald R Glaeseman
SP5 Ronald R Glaeseman
>1 y
SFC Tony Bennett - Tell me sarge, when was the last time you saw Presidents Clinton and Obama in full dress uniform? Prior service is not a requirement for President any longer. Not that a deferment for bone spurs is especially honorable but it doesn't demonstrate cowardice as you maintain, neither does hanging out at Oxford for part of the Vietnam war nor otherwise attending a university.
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SFC Dave Beran
For some reason I do not think so. Hillary sold weapons grade Uranium to Russia when she was Secretary of State. She should have gotten prison for that alone.
SGT Vito DeGregorio
SGT Vito DeGregorio
7 y
I though this issue was laid to rest as contrived allegations of the DNC to frame Trump.
Lt Col Eric Plura
Lt Col Eric Plura
7 y
She actually did not
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Jim Ruether
7 y
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt - I honestly think that you don't win an argument by stating your case and then walking away without your detractors having been given the opportunity to address your comments. Just my two cents worth. You brought up some points but given the fact that the truth doesn't always flow from the microphones or the word processors in the White House I wouldn't quote much from The WH and the hill can shovel the c#$p just like any other group of politicians....heck they are maybe better at it than most folks inside the belt line so be careful quoting one source. Happy New Year to you and yours!
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
7 y
SFC Jim Ruether I believe the posts you were referring to were to an individual who had been stalking me on several posts and never based any argument on fact or even fake news, only name calling and his own personal opinion. I believe he is no longer a part of this conversation.
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