Posted on Feb 17, 2017
Can you call yourself retired if you just got out on a medical discharge?
There is a young cost guard female in my College that tells me she is retired after 3 years in. She sprained her ankle wile she was in and they and she gets 30% disability. I am a 100% disabled Combat Veteran and I am a little curios if she can call herself retired if she is not 100%. She is playing up her retired statice like she did something and I want to make it stop!
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 29
She sounds like is trying to inflate her status and make herself feel better. A quick look at a dd214 should clear things up.
Unless you receive a retirement check you ain't retired.
Unless you receive a retirement check you ain't retired.
SFC Scott Parkhurst
Isn't retirement 20 years and or medical WITH a % ? Yes, she stated she is getting 30% but that does not equal a 10 or even 20 year retirement to me?
SFC Scott Parkhurst
P.S., Sorry but a sprained ankle really? I could have gotten almost a 100% IF I wanted out, but I totally sucked it up and did PT and worked very hard on my injuries and yes, I even had a brain injury as well, and I still stayed in and added more years! I finially had to leave do to my injuries. But I would still be in if I could. I joined in 1990 for Desert Storm and got out in 2010. Combat Medic and 4 other MOS's. HOOAH!
Only if an individual has a "blue" military ID card their military service branch, rank, and the word "Retired" can they claim the title of Military Retiree.
On other note, having a service connected rating whether 10% or 100% only means you are a service connected veteran, retirement only factors in if they served 20+ years (e.g. CRDP, CRSC).
On other note, having a service connected rating whether 10% or 100% only means you are a service connected veteran, retirement only factors in if they served 20+ years (e.g. CRDP, CRSC).
SMSgt Bob W.
Gunny, we are close in the answers except:
We are playing the semantics game. What is military medical retirement.
ANSWER: If the service member receives a disability rating of more than 30%, they are medically retired, and the member and their family receive all the benefits afforded to a retiree.
We are playing the semantics game. What is military medical retirement.
ANSWER: If the service member receives a disability rating of more than 30%, they are medically retired, and the member and their family receive all the benefits afforded to a retiree.
The proof is on the dd214- I was in for 16 years, 70% disabled, but if you notice on my RP I list myself as "veteran" not retired. Tell her the plastic tips on the ends of my boot laces have more time in than she does, and I change them weekly!
GySgt Melissa Gravila
CSM Charles Hayden - you and I both know how quickly those cheap plastic tips wear out! LOL Am I showing my age here CSM Charles Hayden?
PO3 Donald Murphy
It depends on what the military says. I was in for under 4, 30% disabled (M.S.) but I am a medical retirement (blue ID card). However, I get no money from the Navy. Just VA compensation.
PO2 Terri Myre
Those plastic tips on the laces are called aglets. BAHAHAHAHA.....That response of yours was great though :P
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