Posted on Oct 7, 2016
Are the TOC-reported number of missions on ARCOMs accurate?
Responses: 5
I think it depends on the person doing the award. Remember anyone can write up a 638. The person may have been involved in a certain number which may be different than the number recorded in the official duty logs. Also remember there is a "lag" time in the writing of the award and presentation of the award. You have to understand usually there is a time frame for awards, there is also a time frame for getting awards submitted, which is usually shorter than the deployment time. Normally all awards are written and approved down range because many times the approving official is from a higher unit and getting all this done after redeployment is a pain in the ass and so much more time consuming.
A S-1 NCO could answer this much better than I can.
A S-1 NCO could answer this much better than I can.
SGM Mikel Dawson
MSG David Johnson - We used to call this "Leaders Handbook". Here's a new version for the modern NCO:
NCO Leaders Book - Software for US Army Leaders
Army Leaders Book Software designed to assist Army Leaders in tracking their Soldiers Administrative Information, Counseling and Training Status.
MSG David Johnson
SGM Mikel Dawson - This was something I kept in my pocket separate from my leadersbook, but thanks for reminding me about the leaders book.
They've probably changed a bit since I got out but I think I still have my last one. All pertinent info was removed before they shipped my stuff home after I was MEDEVAC'd out.
They've probably changed a bit since I got out but I think I still have my last one. All pertinent info was removed before they shipped my stuff home after I was MEDEVAC'd out.
MSG David Johnson
SGM Mikel Dawson - This didn't all post, here's the whole post.
SGM Mikel Dawson - This was something I kept in my pocket separate from my leadersbook, but thanks for reminding me about the leaders book.
They've probably changed a bit since I got out but I think I still have my last one. All pertinent info was removed before they shipped my stuff home after I was MEDEVAC'd out.
I took a look at that link, my how things have changed in such a few years.
SGM Mikel Dawson - This was something I kept in my pocket separate from my leadersbook, but thanks for reminding me about the leaders book.
They've probably changed a bit since I got out but I think I still have my last one. All pertinent info was removed before they shipped my stuff home after I was MEDEVAC'd out.
I took a look at that link, my how things have changed in such a few years.
SGM Mikel Dawson
MSG David Johnson - I know, I had a hard copy I carried. I was surprised to see this when I looked it up.
When I wrote blanket tour awards it was for team achievement, with team numbers. If there was a significant difference in roles I would adjust numbers as needed. When I wrote impact awards, that was for individual achievement, and all of the numbers would be personalized due to the individual nature of the award.
SGM Mikel Dawson
It takes time, but if you take the time to do an award, then get it done right, the way you would like it done for yourself. What you do is what a leader is suppose to do.
We did murder boards at the BN level with BC, XO, S3, CSM, and Company 1SGs and Cos as panel members not to approve or disapprove awards above the AAM, but to make sure the recommended Soldiers had the best chance to get what the commands put them in for. Part of the review process was accuracy so folks didn't get shorted out of, or elaborated mission counts, impact statements or project values.
So for our guys I'm pretty confident the numbers were very close to correct. Every mission, patrol, or convoy generates a manifest so I can't see how hard it would be for all units to verify info.
So for our guys I'm pretty confident the numbers were very close to correct. Every mission, patrol, or convoy generates a manifest so I can't see how hard it would be for all units to verify info.
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