Posted on Sep 8, 2016
Any advice for obtaining a medical retirement while in the Integrated Disability Evaluation System?
Need some REAL advice. I have a buddy who has 19+ years of service and is now nondeployable to due injuries in his back. His back has been operated on twice so far, and he has another one coming up. He's in IDES and his branch wants to give him severance. He has diagnosed with PTSD, his back, and other ailments. What can he do to make it to 20 or medical retire with full benefits. He's a MSgt.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 15
It matters. 20+ you can get combat related special compensation CRSC AND VA disability. Appeal appeal appeal med board proceedings.
It matters a bunch.
It matters a bunch.
SSG Warren Swan
SGM Barry Kindred - Under 20>CSRC over 20> CRDP big difference between the two. CSRC is non taxable and CRDP is. I come under CSRC so I get my "retirement" check I would've gotten had I finished tax free.
SGM Barry Kindred
SSG Warren Swan - I'm a 24 yr retiree that chose CRSC. I receive my full retirement, tax free plus my VA comp, tax free. 20 plus matters
SFC (Join to see)
Im currently at 22 yrs and just started my MEB process.Not sure if i should medical retire or except the 22 years and VA. I know TX got alot of extra benefits if i medical retire so i heard. Stuff like your children go to college for free. I am also eligible for the crsc
SGM Barry Kindred
I was MEB Retired at 24 years. Wait for MEB results would be my advice. SFC (Join to see)
I went through this last year and CPT Gonzalez is absolutely correct. He can apply for Continuation On Active Duty (COAD). I applied for COAD and went over 20 years when I finally got the approval at the same time IDES found me 30% permanently disabled. It was a no brainer I was over 20 so I took my AD retirement. The VA found me 90% disabled so I get CRSC and my AD pay they call it concurrent payments. Hope this helps.
Col Rebecca Lorraine
If you are a Reservist on active duty you can't collect concurrent receipt until you are 60. So don't get sick as a reservist.
Always assume you are not being given the full story with stories that sound off.
If at 19 years they could separate him, but he can apply for COAD. The time it takes to process the continuation on active duty and appeals can drag his process on. Most likely this guy can easily make it to 20 years and should also apply for voluntary retirement. If separating he would be medically separated so this isn't small money, but I agree not as good as a full retirement
If at 19 years they could separate him, but he can apply for COAD. The time it takes to process the continuation on active duty and appeals can drag his process on. Most likely this guy can easily make it to 20 years and should also apply for voluntary retirement. If separating he would be medically separated so this isn't small money, but I agree not as good as a full retirement
ENS (Join to see)
From what I gather, this person hits his 20 year mark in June. Meaning if he had enough leave saved up, he could burn away up to 90 days. Signing paperwork can take up to 2 months. This would leave him with 4 months to his 20 year mark.. At that point, I'd assume this person would have a very strong case against separation and would be able to stay until retirement.. If he has another surgery while he is Active Duty, depending on the type of surgery he would be given plenty of time for convalescence.. I am trying my best to think of the easier ways to burn time while you're in to reach youth 20 year mark.
SSG Warren Swan
Sir I went through mine at 17. Was out at 18.5 total years. COAD was not an option then for me in my case. Hell I didn't hear about it until I was retired, but for me it was the best. Sometimes taking a knee and drinking water isn't enough, and you can hurt the mission more than help it. I'm going to have him look at the additional responses so maybe I can get more insight. I'm learning right now myself.
CPT Mark Gonzalez
SSG Warren Swan - I would just recommend he use every appeal he has and always take the max if not longer to process his portions. Every day counts so he should use them and ensure good legal representation.
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