Posted on Oct 29, 2013
MSgt Edbm, Section Chief
I was wondering how many people out there in the military are active Freemasons? The Freemans have a heritage of having military men in there ranks but it seems almost like we are a dying breed. Any comments or thoughts on this subject would be great. Thank you.
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Responses: 78
LTC Jason Bartlett
<b><font face="Arial" size="4">“The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is:&nbsp;You do not talk about Fight Club”.&nbsp;&nbsp;I think interest in freemasonry throughout the country has waned and is not just limited to the Army. A lack of&nbsp;</font><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 19px; ">interest leads to a&nbsp;</span></font><font face="Arial" size="4">lack of understanding in what Freemasonry is about and many misconceptions are formed. The one thing I do know is that when Masonry flourishes so do&nbsp;their communities, charities and other beneficiaries of a strong&nbsp;fraternal&nbsp;organization.&nbsp;</font></b><b><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Arial; ">Want to learn more I recommend Andrew Hammer’s&nbsp;"<i>Observing the
 Craft"&nbsp;</i>perhaps the most intellectually
 provocative Masonic book written 
in the last 150 years.&nbsp;</span></b>
SFC Equal Opportunity Advisor
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SFC Comsec Account Manager
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
Tell them again Sir. Well said.
SSG(P) Instructor/Writer
SSG(P) (Join to see)
11 y
I agree sir. I remember the old timers talking and it was held to such high regard. Businesses would close when fellow employees were coming up. I wish we could bring it back to what it was.
SGT Justin Veverka
SGT Justin Veverka
10 y
I was raised in Korea and saw a lot of brothers there. when I put in for Fort Drum I demited there. I ets'd in 2008 so after that I couldn't tell you but I made a lotta brothers through freemasonry in the military. There are Square and Compass's all over the houses and buildings in the Triangle of Death in Iraq :)
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CW2 Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer
Quick Answer is "YES" Our numbers are declining both in the Military and Civilian Community. I will also say this "If I know you to be a Mason... I expect you to carry yourself as a MASON" With that being said, There are bad apples in every group. Believe it or not there are some people in the Military that make the rest of us in the Military look bad. There are some Priests in the Catholic church that make ALL Priests in the Catholic Church look bad. The are bad apples in EVERY GROUP and Mason is no different. Those that use Masonry to get out of trouble is one of those people that are using Masonry for the WRONG Purpose. A lack of understanding allows people to ASSUME. If anyone has a bad taste in thier mouth about Masonry PLEASE take the time to sit down with one of us that take Masonry VERY SERIOUS and just ask us a few questions until you get a better understanding about how&nbsp;it helps our communities.
SFC Equal Opportunity Advisor
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
And Rgoer!.. I have found, in order to become informed, you must first seek out knowledge and understanding.  Society has become so spoon fed, that they would rather listen to the assumptions of others, rather than enlighten themselves.
CPL Paul B.
CPL Paul B.
11 y
Had a bad taste in my mouth about Masonry, until I heard your response. Good man!<br>
SSG Cannon Crew Member
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
I agree with you. Our society wants the answers without bothering with the questions. People are quick to condescend the craft without looking at the history and benefits we have inspired. Most people looked shocked when I tell them the prerequisites to become a shriner. You make a good point that if you are a Mason then carry yourself accordingly. Would you walk around in a bar downtown in your dress uniform trying to fight people or indulge in other despicable acts? It is a lack of mentorship that results in these activities.
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SFC First Sergeant
I would like to know based on the responses, how many of those are Masons?&nbsp; There are alot of self-inflicted misconceptions about the Craft, from the Craft.&nbsp; I will be the very first one to SQUASH that noise if you come at me expecting "special treatment or favors", because your are a Mason, and I can provide references if needed.&nbsp; I am a very active Mason, and NOT ONCE have a I ever asked for, been given or expected special treatment from my Soldiers or Leaders.&nbsp; I conduct myself accordingly at all times and always will, as I was in this man's Army for 15 years before I was a Mason.&nbsp; This discussion has been and will around for the next 238 years, nothing we can do about it even if we have 3 or 32 still&nbsp;won't sink in UNTIL you&nbsp;are well&nbsp;informed.
SSG Interception Analyst
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
SGT Menzie, the same can be said about fraternity/sorority groups. I have seen some awful Masons, but Ive seen awful Kappas, Deltas, Omegas, etc. Every organization has an impact, even this one. Vets would rather hire vets first because we go through similar situations. Masons are no different. If you "know someone who knows someone", then count yourself as fortunate, not privileged.
SFC First Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
<p>SGT Menzie - YOU have personally witnessed people use this to get ahead?&nbsp; Or maybe, you percieved their affiliations getting them ahead?&nbsp;&nbsp;I am confused...Often, when one does not have first hand information, stories get construed.&nbsp; You know this as an NCO.&nbsp; As far as other letting them use the fraternal ties to "get ahead", re-read my comment if you come to me with that mess.&nbsp; I can only hold myself accountable on how I represent my organization.&nbsp; Now, if I witness it...I will hold those like me accountable and do my part to give them good, wholesome advice and I will leave them to make their own choices...but I will not standby and allow them to misrepresent my fraternity, or its values, to simply get ahead.&nbsp; Often is said...From the outside looking in, you can't explain it to me.&nbsp; From the inside looking out, I can't explain to you.&nbsp; As far as becoming a Mason, that is a choice only you can make.&nbsp; Seek counsel and advice from those you hold in high regard.&nbsp; Ask them the hard questions, but do not be upset when you get the answer, as it may not be the one you want.&nbsp; </p>
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
11 y
I am an active mason and currently serving as well.
CMC Corporal
CMC (Join to see)
10 y
I am an active Mason, a Reservist, and a state Police Officer. My take on the "special favors" deal is this, because it's happened all to often; when someone asks me "are you going to do that? We are brothers!" I respond, " A real Mason would never ask a Brother to jeopardize his career and livelihood for something so trivial as a ticket, special favor, etc, it's about respecting the person you are dealing with".
That being said, I treat all Brothers as such, and deal with them squarely, no matter the situation.
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