Posted on Jun 19, 2014
SGT Transportation Management Coordinator
It seems like more often than not NCOs of higher rank address lower enlisted NCOs by just their last name. According to AR 600-20, all NCOs have a title. And as we all know we address E-5 to E-7 as Sergeant and E-8 and above by their full rank. Most of us have earned the rank we wear on our chest so aren't we entitled to some level of courtesy by senior NCOs. And not just NCOs, but officers as well. What type of message does this send to our junior enlisted when you treat NCOs like that in front of everyone? It is not an egotistical thing. I just think we deserve to be treated with respect. Any opinions?
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Responses: 80
CSM David Heidke
You don't call a Master Sergeant "Master Sergeant" in the Army. So that's not right.

You are however correct in that you deserve respect, or your rank and position does.

Don't read too much into it. Just because a CSM calls you by your last name instead of your rank doesn't mean he disrespects you. Yelling Sergeant could have 42 people turn around. I think it's more respectful that a higher ranking NCO can remember your name.
SFC Tony Bennett
SFC Tony Bennett
>1 y
CSM David Heidke - That is a STAPLE!!! Failing to enforce a standard creates a NEW STANDARD! Very well stated.
SFC Tony Bennett
SFC Tony Bennett
>1 y
I think the Marine Corps has done a masterful job maintaining common courtesy and respect among the ranks. I sorely wish the Army would get back to basics.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
@CSM David Heidke When supervising Police Call I foundit advantageous to loudly say: “PFC”. Getting more Soldiers to turn around to pick up a piece of paper worked wonders!

Before my kid brother went to Ft Ord, I told him to avoud stopping or turning around unless he heard PVT or? Once during BCT, he did not turn around when the Company Cdr, said “Soldier”! Lesson learned!?
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SFC Charles Kauffman
Formally, it is customary to address fellow NCO's by their Rank. However, using first names for those of lower rank actually shows MORE respect by indicating a higher degree of familiarity and trust. In smaller, elite units (SFODA's) it's just how things are done. It basically means that a man is comfortable enough with his own ability that he doesn't need to hide behind his rank.

Oh, BTW, nobody wears rank "on their chest".

I rate an NCO by what's INSIDE his or her chest, rather than by what's ON it.
SSG Jeffrey Monk
SSG Jeffrey Monk
8 y
Nice SFC Allesch. I forgot all about that. I had to pause for a second before laughing.
CSM David Heidke
CSM David Heidke
8 y
never by first name... My first name in the Army was Sergeant Major.
SFC Tony Bennett
SFC Tony Bennett
>1 y
CSM David Heidke - Works for me!
SFC Tony Bennett
SFC Tony Bennett
>1 y
I don't quite follow the remark "hiding" behind rank. Your rank is an outward notification of your POSITION. Now do some abuse it? Of course, but those types will eventually get what they deserve. The legacy of the NCO is fast becoming a distant memory.
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LTC Paul Labrador
Depends on which service you're talking about. In the Army, no, it's not customary. In fact, by reg, All sergeants E-7 and below are customarily called "Sergeant" when addressed directly. Just like you call 2LT and 1LT "lieutenant" and a LTC "colonel" when speaking to them directly. Now, when you speak about them in the third person, yes, you call them by their full rank.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
8 y
Also in US Air Force E5 to E7 are addressed as Sergeant, E8 and E9 by their full rank or Senior for E8 and Chief for E9 a First Sergeant as First Sergeant, Command Chief E9 as Command Chief.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
8 y
CSM William DeWolf - Command Sergeant Major I figure You earned that rank and I for one think its good to acknowledge that. It is kind of nice I find even being addressed as Senior, (the rank, LOL, although I guess my age qualifies also)
CSM William DeWolf
CSM William DeWolf
8 y
I like to think I don't age! Thanks SMSgt!
Sgt William Margeson
Sgt William Margeson
8 y
In My expeirence, army Sgt 1st class were called Sgt. Marines of equal rank were Gunny. Everyone above were addressed by rank. Only diff., Army had CSM and SM, MS. Marines a bit diff.
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