Posted on Apr 17, 2016
SPC Senior Line Medic
The regulation in regards to early separation states that you're allowed to separate(with respected approval) 90 days prior to your ETS date. Some also say that they've seen individuals get out up to 180 days early for school. I went ahead and applied to schools and have acquired acceptance letters from three. After talking with an S1 rep, they don't believe that it would be possible to surpass 90 days due to the regulation. Who would I need to speak with to get an 'exception to policy'? Or an alternative to the regulation in place?
Posted in these groups: Ad11ad86 SPCGraduation cap EducationMilitary discharge 300x201 ETS/EASMilitary civilian 600x338 Transition
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Responses: 7
SGM Matthew Quick
AR 635-200 is clear...UP TO 90-days before ETS. Why would you think you're entitled to an 'exception' to this?

When is your current ETS and when does your school term begin?

How much leave do you have for transition leave?
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
9 y
Thanks for clarifying. God help you to find a specific ALARACT.
SGM Matthew Quick
SGM Matthew Quick
9 y
So true, LTC Jason Mackay...that's why I maintain for these cases.
MAJ Javier Rivera
MAJ Javier Rivera
9 y
90 days plus whatever leave you have. That's how I did it in '96!
SPC Joseph McBrayer
SPC Joseph McBrayer
9 y
Sounds like the SGM has a hollier than thou complex. I believe the Specialist question was pretty clear and not presented as he was entitled to anything. Good thing I'm not on Active Duty any longer cause I think someone would have been involved in a frag accident. Get over yourself man.
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CPT Mark Gonzalez
90 days and your terminal leave appears to be the answer for your early school separation. However, Inquire with your leadership and retention about a drop following SFL. My 1SG last week was telling me about how Soldiers post SFL can submit for an early release. I don't know the specifics on what he was talking about, but your retention NCO may. Good luck on your future goals.
SGM Matthew Quick
SGM Matthew Quick
9 y
This isn't a 'retention' topic for Career Counselors or Retention NCOs and Soldiers cannot simply request early release when they complete TAP requirements (you're probably referring to the TAP portion of SFL (or SFL-TAP); SFL is a process from recruit throughout life).
CPT Mark Gonzalez
CPT Mark Gonzalez
9 y
SGM Matthew Quick - Thank you SGM for the clarification and good morning.
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SGT Kristin Wiley
Personally, I think it would be easier to start school for the Spring Semester in January, then you'll have time to properly transition, and try to put some more money in the bank. If you want to start classes sooner, look into using your TA, and testing out of classes through CLEP, and DANTES. Otherwise, your best bet is to use your transition leave and the 90 day early-out option. Even if exceptions did exist, the possibility of getting one in a situation that doesn't have extenuating circumstances would be really low.
SGT Jamie Jackson
SGT Jamie Jackson
9 y
outstanding answer....use the recourses that the Army is giving you now....test out and get credits now...hence saving time and money for when you are out and dealing with the world that you WILL have to readjust to. Enjoy this time and be young age is on a time schedule that doesn't stop. Get what you can now then get out when its time and rock on.
Cadet CPL Weapons Instructor
Cadet CPL (Join to see)
5 y
Yes, I guess I agree with this answer that this is the right decision in this situation, plus if you need help, then will be able to provide you with it as soon as possible. So I wish you a good semester.
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