Posted on Mar 23, 2016
SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz
Arizona have 30% of hispanic population or almost two million people that are considered latinos. Now with this in mind, I hypothesized couple of weeks ago that if Trump were to win big with hispanics he would possibly have more chances to be Republican Party nominee and also beat Hillary Clinton on the general elections (Because Hispanics prefer Bernie over her).
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Responses: 4
PO3 Steven Sherrill
SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz Trump is running on a platform of curtailing illegal immigration. Those who are here legally, and have become citizens, are less likely to be sympathetic to illegal immigration than those who were born here. Case in point is my boss. He was born in Portugal. He is a US citizen. He loves his native land, but he loves the USA as well. He has no sympathy at all for illegal immigrants. He saw what his parents went through to become U.S. Citizens. So it is not all that surprising that Trump would do well among the latino population.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
9 y
SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz - Lots of good statistics, but no answer to my question. The question is very basic, why (in your opinion) do the Puerto Ricans support the Democrats in large numbers? You support Trump, I would guess for good reasons, but it would seem the majority do not agree with you. I am also supporting Trump, primarily as a result of our system being broken and it will take someone serious to fix it.
SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz
SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz
9 y
In my country there are two main political parties, the PNP (who want to make PR a state) and the PPD (who want PR to keep the Commonwealth) both parties prefer the Democrats over the Republicans... Why??? It is the norm. I clearly don't know why.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
9 y
SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz - Perhaps because the liberals on the SCOTUS supports treating PT like a welfare state, as they do so many of our ghettos are here in the USA. See this:
SGT Roberto Mendoza-Diaz
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CSM David Heidke
The establishment is dead set against him being "the one." They will fight to the death (literally the death of the party) to keep him off the ballot.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
9 y
PO3 Steven Sherrill - The FBI does a referral to the DOJ (Loretta Lynch), who will sit on this until after the election, IMO.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
9 y
MCPO Roger Collins - I agree. Bureaucracy in action... or lack thereof.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
9 y
MCPO Roger Collins the articles you provided are informative indeed. However none of these offer "Proof", just the writers opinion. Again, my issue is what "Proof" is there other than someone's opinion. i also look at the fact that of all of the Republican led Senate and House investigations, nothing has been found that link HRC to any wrong doing. I would truly like to see PROOF. I'm still on the fence about who to vote for. Thus far my favorite is Rep. Gov. John Kasich of Ohio. However, unless it's a contested Republican Convention I think his chances are slim to none. You are correct in the fact that HRC does have a lot of baggage, but no proof of wrong doing.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
Sgt Jay Jones - The investigations found that she did no "wrong doing", but she was "negligent" in how things progressed. That is FAR from a conviction, and they cannot use that against her at any point, so the email server is the last straw for Growdy and Co. If this does not do it, nothing will. I thought Kasich was the best option left for the GOP UNTIL Ryan came out with the whole who makes the decision thing. Once he did that, it's game over for the GOP for the next eight years..(thanks guys BOHICA'd again). I'm not for anyone running, but after looking at things openly, HE was the only one I saw who would work across the isle to get things done, and maintain his integrity (as much as a career politician can which isn't much). The RNC is now stumping for a chicken hawk who has no loyalty to include his own party, and making fools of themselves trying to stop the juggernaut known as Trump who's made a complete mockery of them. President Clinton WILL be in office 17Jan17, and she'll be laughing all the way to the oval office where Ryan will have to look at his and McConnels failure in the eye and know the RNC could've prevented it.
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1SG James Wise
Trump won in Arizona partly because of the left wing Soro's led demonstrations against him. I've already heard from friends in Arizona that many people they know changed from Cruz to Trump because of the demonstrations....they are that ANGRY at the left side of the political spectrum in this country that they will vote Trump no matter the consequences because the left hates him that much...along with the right side establishment hating him too. They also want a Trump/Cruz ticket for the general election in NOV....

The left hates Trump, but they want him to be the one against Hillary (or whomever) simply because they think they can garner hate votes against him from women and minorities by highlighting partially made-up points that he is all the nasty things you can call someone in todays politically correct America. Either way I think we lose as a country - but the left will win at any cost and they have decided that blocking roads and other illegal activities is how they have to do it this time. I wish someone that gets stuck in those road blocks would sue the organizers and those happened in other road blocks like this and those stuck in the road block won in court, costing those identified in the illegal protests much more than the misdemeanor fines they were expecting as the max for their illegal protest and road blocking.
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