Posted on Feb 20, 2016
What is the national impact of Hillary Rodham Clinton winning the Nevada democratic caucus?
Both CNN and Fox News are projecting that Hillary Rodham Clinton has won the democratic caucus in Nevada
She has already delivered her victory speech to her supporters.
I doubt the this will change Bernie Sanders determination to run for POTUS.
Disclaimer: I have never been a fan of or supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton. However as a Christian I did pray for her along with her husband when he was POTUS. I am still very sad that Ambassador Stevens was killed along with three brave USA citizens on her watch as Secretary of State.
She has already delivered her victory speech to her supporters.
I doubt the this will change Bernie Sanders determination to run for POTUS.
Disclaimer: I have never been a fan of or supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton. However as a Christian I did pray for her along with her husband when he was POTUS. I am still very sad that Ambassador Stevens was killed along with three brave USA citizens on her watch as Secretary of State.
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 18
Doubtful that it will mean much, especially if Hillary's legal woes worsen. To be fair, it won't instill and confidence in Bernie. If he can't beat Hillary given all the baggage she's accumulating, I don't think the DNC will want him to be their candidate if Hillary is precluded from running. Cue Uncle Joe!
LTC (Join to see)
CW3 Kevin Storm - I am very cynical too chief! the good ole boy mentality of the ARNG reminds me of the protectionism in the POTUS and US Gov arena.
LTC (Join to see)
SSG Warren Swan - Watch the fall girl or the 'fly girl' be Secretary Susan Rice not to be confused with Condolezza RICE LOL.

Who is Susan Rice and Why Did Obama Nominate Her? And is She Related to Condi Rice?
As President-elect Barack Obama announces a handful of nominees today, it's good to see capable, competent, highly-qualified women in the mix. Of course we
SSG Warren Swan
LTC (Join to see) - It does make sense. And I wouldn't be surprised. But she's just a bit too high on the totem pole to me. I'd think someone farther down who would cause less discussion or heartache should they be convicted. Maybe a civilian PFC or a SPC? But whoever does it, is about to be PAID in the end. That person won't he hurting for anything. Bill will see to that through their foundation!
LTC (Join to see)
SSG Warren Swan - I doubt anything will happen since the back blast will hurt Hillary and the POTUS is in his legacy mode..his legacy he is trying to do the Cuba legacy but Cuba is too much a police state, his global warming legislation is his desired legacy but he forgets about much of this while he fiddles with carbon footprint flute.....power vacuum in Iraq replaced by ISIL, instead of his promise to leave Iraq in Operation New Dawn turns into Operation DAWN of the ISIL DEAD come to MOSUL and invade Syria. LOL.
I hope Sander's supporters redouble their efforts and donations and they need to go hard and ruthless after Hillary and Bill, or they are going to lose for sure. When going "negative" means pointing out, and making clear to the Democratic Electorate their many sordid affairs, lies, scandals and self inflicted wounds and drama that the Clinton's bring with them (they make their own weather, usually political tornadoes and other man made disasters) along with their many conflict of interest associates and hangers on, usually called Clintonites, I think that the Democrats will conclude that they are well and good and tired of the Bill and Hillary show, and will give Bernie a shot.
With the Clintons, you have to go all in and negative and ruthless or you have no chance of winning against all the favors and political IOUs the Clintons have built up over their thirty years of politics with the Democratic Establishment Machine.
I heard one political talking head on either MSNBC or CNN say way back in the first debate, when Bernie gave Hillary a pass on those emails and her server, that the moment he saw that, he knew, Bernie Sanders was not serious about getting the nomination (or in my opinion just does not have it in him to "do the doing" that needs to be done to take out Hillary and Bill and their nauseating sycophants, with negative ads telling the truth about their sordid careers in self-service masquerading as public service, and do the country favor). They should have taken a page out of Karl Rove's playbook, or rented his playbook when taking on the Clintons and their sycophants.
I have wanted to send Bernie $20 bucks on my credit card, but I have been holding back until I see those "negative hard hitting ads" come out of his campaign.
Playing "softball" with the people that have played hardball against their opponents for years, along with attacking any one who has the stones in the Democratic party to criticize them, is a losing strategy and everyone who has followed the Clintons for any amount of time, knows they will say and do anything to get power and get elected and cash in on their celebrity once out of office in anyway possible.
I don't want to give Bernie one cent of my hard-earned money until I see that hardness and ruthlessness coming out of his campaign. I am not hopeful about his campaign having the necessary toughness of spine and the stomach to do what need to be done politically when it comes to defeating the Clintons. The Clintons and their Democratic Establishment Machine is one of the many, many reasons I am not longer a Democrat. I am probably going to have to put all of my hope on the Republican side, to end the Clintons and their selfish ambitions.
CPT (Join to see) LTC Stephen F. CPT Jack Durish
With the Clintons, you have to go all in and negative and ruthless or you have no chance of winning against all the favors and political IOUs the Clintons have built up over their thirty years of politics with the Democratic Establishment Machine.
I heard one political talking head on either MSNBC or CNN say way back in the first debate, when Bernie gave Hillary a pass on those emails and her server, that the moment he saw that, he knew, Bernie Sanders was not serious about getting the nomination (or in my opinion just does not have it in him to "do the doing" that needs to be done to take out Hillary and Bill and their nauseating sycophants, with negative ads telling the truth about their sordid careers in self-service masquerading as public service, and do the country favor). They should have taken a page out of Karl Rove's playbook, or rented his playbook when taking on the Clintons and their sycophants.
I have wanted to send Bernie $20 bucks on my credit card, but I have been holding back until I see those "negative hard hitting ads" come out of his campaign.
Playing "softball" with the people that have played hardball against their opponents for years, along with attacking any one who has the stones in the Democratic party to criticize them, is a losing strategy and everyone who has followed the Clintons for any amount of time, knows they will say and do anything to get power and get elected and cash in on their celebrity once out of office in anyway possible.
I don't want to give Bernie one cent of my hard-earned money until I see that hardness and ruthlessness coming out of his campaign. I am not hopeful about his campaign having the necessary toughness of spine and the stomach to do what need to be done politically when it comes to defeating the Clintons. The Clintons and their Democratic Establishment Machine is one of the many, many reasons I am not longer a Democrat. I am probably going to have to put all of my hope on the Republican side, to end the Clintons and their selfish ambitions.
CPT (Join to see) LTC Stephen F. CPT Jack Durish
Capt Lance Gallardo
I guess I just hate her that much . . . I wouldn't even want that woman to a win in a game of catch the live grenade where she gets blown up in the end.
Does it really matter! Hillary is her own worst enemy and it will all wash out in the end! She is what she is and sooner or later, she will get all that's coming to her and more!
LTC (Join to see)
Sgt David G Duchesneau - I think the liberal voters are smarter than the superior- thinking- we -don't- know- what- we- are- doing- so- they- need- to -do -it- for us- Democratic 'leaders' and they may not do so well with so much doubt from the scandals festering about Libya and the Server. The protest vote may go to Sanders. I am not a fan of sanders but I do give him credit to being consistent for 50 years.
Capt Lance Gallardo
LTC (Join to see) - Same here Sir. You can respect a person who has been consistent and true to their beliefs, even if you do not share their beliefs. It is impossible to admire or respect a person who has no core set of beliefs beyond their personal advancement (AKA the Clintons).
LTC (Join to see)
Capt Lance Gallardo - yes and i am not a fan of a person who makes $200k a speech. I have to work 8 years at UPS to make what she makes in 3 speeches! I heard they made about $140 million in speecheshttp://

Hillary Clinton: $200,000 per speech
While writing a book and deciding whether to run for president, Hillary Rodham Clinton has found a profitable sideline. Making speeches
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