Posted on Dec 13, 2015
SGT(P) Daniel McBride
A pro ball player can get millions but a Soldier who puts his life on the line against ISIS and the Taliban gets paid just enough to make ends meet.
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Responses: 32
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
"Ends meet" is a misnomer. People spend what they make - often times more.
The Army gives each of us many things that the civilian world only dreams about:
Free health care (my premiums are about $14k/year)
Free housing, or subsidized via BAH.
Free food in the mess hall.
Clothing for work (officers excepted).
Education benefits good for a Bachelor's Degree at a Public University if you serve over two years Active Duty.
And then we get our base pay.
Soldiers are paid far more than they were just a decade ago. I remember the days when an E-7 made what an E-4 does now, and it wasn't that long ago.

I spend $3000 a month on things that Soldiers get for free. Apples to apples, Soldiers are pretty well compensated today.
SGT Jeremiah B.
SGT Jeremiah B.
9 y
This pretty much nails it. I think a lot of guys who've been in the military since they left home don't realize just how much of their salary is disposable income or tax free. I make way more now than I did when I served, but I have a lot less to spend on what I want.
PO2 Ett
PO2 (Join to see)
>1 y
This is the grave misconception that America has about the military. The fact is this was true years ago, but now the private sector offers just as many benefits without all the restrictions. A lot of military benefits, most would choose to pay for to get better quality. The military needs to revamp benefits or continue to loose many memebers. Especially critical personal who honestly have better offers and benefits from the private sector. We are simply underpaid in every aspect, for what is required from us mentally, physically, and emotionally.
SGT Jacob Graves
SGT Jacob Graves
>1 y
With the free healthcare you got what you payed for. Well I did anyways. I had to fight the army for 8 years 2 duty stations and a deployment to get my shoulders fixed.I ended up getting medboarded because of that and cutbacks. When the V.A. finnaly repaired my shoulders the Dr. Had to pull my muscles from my elbow due to the daily ripping of muscles. Then we have the medical personel changing diagnosis so units have their deployment numbers.

The on base housing sucks to. Houses were getting broken into every Christmas spouces of deployed soldiers were getting raped and murdered. Then when you leave the housing company makes you pay for new carpet because there's moisture or Atleist was moisture in the carpet. Guess I wasn't supposed to steamclean the carpet that was dirty when I moved in. Off base landlords charged ridiculous amounts for rent just because they knew the wait times on base housing was going to force people into looking off base. With has being around $4.00 then troops had to live close if they wanted to keep from getting screwed at the pumps.

That clothing allowance I got didn't cover new acus and boots. If I deployed that year it barely covered the alterations of the class A's. I never got payed to switch over to the dress blues the new guys got for free. So the clothing allowance was there to help lessen the blow replacing the faded and worn articles had on the wallet.

When I was an E4 I qualified for food stamps. That alone says the troops don't get payed propperly. And it gets worse for some outside the army. We have 40,000 homeless veterans some get financial benefits but it's still not enough to cover bills when their out. Because of my injuries in unemployable and my wife is supposed to take me everywhere I go but we can't afford for her to stay home. She's got to go work so we can afford to live above poverty like other veterans.
People can say we are compensated propperly all they want but I know that's bull shit when soldiers on active duty still have to decide between getting gas in their pov and eating lunch that week.

Back when. E7s were payed As much As our E4a now how much did it cost to live? I know the cost of living has gone up faster than the pay for the troops has.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
There's less of them, and the Law of Supply & Demand in a Capitalistic Society (Free Market) promotes it.

When you have a limited resource (ball players), their value goes up with their demand. Demand is relative high in the entertainment field.

When you have a relatively unlimited resource (conscription age adults), their value is static. Demand is relatively low.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
9 y
SSG John Thornton - Limited slots for soldiers too. Just a lot less limited. The parallel remains.

However, it's the Limited QUALITY Ball Players, which drives down QUANTITY. No one cares about Rank B-D ball players.
SGT Guard
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
The way I see it is, the military may have less people in it but the pro-sports team make more money than the government supplies the military to pay its troops. In my mind that's the key thing. Amount of money able to be paid out to the workers in each part
SGT Guard
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
What I was trying to say is there is no way for the us to spend more money on the troops without taking away the fancy equipment that some many love and learn to life with. Yes i understand that higher ups get paid very well. But compared to the work they do in the civilian sector they would be under paid.
PO2 Ett
PO2 (Join to see)
>1 y
This can very well be said about our sailors and soldiers!
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SGT(P) Daniel McBride great question, my reasoning is Congress and politics are not on the same sheet of music for the veteran on pay. Oh by the way POTUS is not advocating any good raises. Its a shame, but we do it for our nation and there is no price on defending freedom and liberty in my opinion.
SGT(P) Daniel McBride
SGT(P) Daniel McBride
9 y
True but in my opinion pay is kept to a basic minimum to maintain tact and discipline. Not saying all soldiers would turn astray but some would lose their minds with that kind of money
TSgt Flight Chief
TSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Every president advocates for pay raises. The trick is having a Congress willing to work with you to make it happen. But beyond simply waiting on politicians to pay us we have military lobby groups that are fighting day in and day out to ensure we get our fair shake.
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