Posted on Dec 4, 2015
CSM Charles Hayden
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Responses: 20
1stSgt Eugene Harless
How many incidents have there been of people in the US shooting up a Mosque or a place where Muslims are known to congregate recently? Any violence against of a group of US citizens by people based on their belief is a crime, but I don't see a pattern of violence against Muslims. I do see a lot of people who vioce their opposition to Islam, and opine that Muslims can not be integrated into American Culture. There are also people who are against Abortion, Gun Ownership, Religion in General and Gay Rights. It's a basic right of Americans to state their opinion or beliefs. Not everyone who opposes abortion plants bombs in planned parent clinic. Not everyone who is against religion burns down churches. You can not quell fredom of speech because you THINK people may turn violent.
PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
>1 y
your 100% correct and sadly I see the liberals that don't like what you have to say when you don't agree with them trying to take your freedom of speech away. Its only Freedom of Speech IF you agree with what they have to say. Otherwise sit down and shut up is what they believe. Again I ask ALL the liberals on here that want to bring Syrian refugees into this country without vetting them...What about the 50,000 homeless vets
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LTC Bink Romanick
CSM Charles Hayden why make enemies of 1.6 billion Muslims when only a small fraction of Muslims are terrorists.
1LT Aaron Barr
1LT Aaron Barr
9 y
COL Ted Mc - Honest question; have you ever read the Koran or the sura or the hadiths? If not, please take the time to do so and, based upon that reading, ask yourself who follows what is written in those books most closely. I have and ISIS is the winner, if that's what you would call it.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
1LT Aaron Barr - Lieutenant; I have and I agree that Daesh follows the literal words of the Qu'ran as closely as any murderous Christian fundamentalist follows the literal words of the Bible.

The Bible condones stoning people to death, genocide, rape, and slavery amongst other things IF you accept ALL of the words of the Bible literally.

If you accept that BOTH "The Bible" and "The Qu'ran" were written as explanatory works that were aimed at certain socio-cultural groups and contained things which were considered normal within those groups at the time, the exact literal content of each falls into clearer perspective. You can BELIEVE that either (or both [or neither]) are "divinely inspired" but you simply cannot prove it without using circular logic (i.e. "The __[fill in name of Holy Book here]__ is divinely inspired because the __[fill in name of Holy Book here]__ records that it is divinely inspired and since it is recorded as being divinely inspired that means that it must have been divinely inspired or else it wouldn't say that it was divinely inspired."

Have you ever heard of Abdulaziz El Sayyid Nosair?

You do realize that Daesh is just as opposed to over 90% of "the Muslim world" as it is to "the Christian world", "the Jewish world", and "the __[insert name of religion here]__ world" - don't you?

PS - If you assume that Daesh consists of 50,000 members (and that number is probably high) and use the same percentages, then there are at least 22 "Fundamentalist __[fill in name of religion here]__ terrorists" in the United States of America right now AND it simply doesn't matter what religion you fill the blank in with.
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
9 y
1LT Aaron Barr - what is a mohammedan?
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
CPT Ahmed Faried - It's what the ignorant call Muslims.

I presume that that is because they think that since "The One True Religion" is denominated by the name of its "last" prophet that all other "so-called religions" have to be similarly denominated.
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MSgt Darren VanDerwilt
Personally, and from what I've seen, this is a non issue. Most Americans are very tolerant. What I find interesting though, is how this AG desides to go after a straw man issue yet ignore the New Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam, etc., and all their hate filled speech that has actually led to police officers being murdured. Hypocrite!
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