Posted on Nov 10, 2015
Sgt David G Duchesneau
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very safe and Happy Veterans day, to all of my brothers and sisters who have donned a Uniform and served this great Country of ours.
And may we never forget those Veterans who went before us and especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedom and the freedom of those around the World.
On this Veterans Day, I humbly sound those twenty-four (24) notes of TAPS and may you hear its echo in these words,

“Day is done….
Gone the sun….
From the lakes.. From the hills.. From the sky…
All is well…
Safely rest…
God is nigh…..”

Happy Veterans Day!
David G Duchesneau
Vietnam Veteran, March 1969-August 1970
Bravo 1/3, Fox 2/1, III MAF
Sergeant, US Marine Corps

COL Jon Thompson, COL Mikel Burroughs, SSgt L Ol, SGT Jim Zajc, SGT Keith Bodine, CW5 Scott Montgomery, Capt Christian D. Orr, SGM Dan Coberly, TSgt Hunter Logan, SGT Robert Hawks, SGT Forrest Stewart, SPC Rickey Cook, SPC Margaret Higgins, PV2 Lisa Wilcox,
LTC Stephen Curlee
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Responses: 18
SSG Warren Swan
SGT, you got me. Almost made me start feeling again. I hope everyone enjoys their day tomorrow, but remembers it's only ONE day. ONE day out of the 365 that are actually veterans days. Everyday is OUR day, from the first man to wake to the last man to take his last breath. We are the guardians of the free, defenders of the brave, and the 1% of this nation you really don't want to piss off. Much respect to everyone who wore/is wearing/or waiting for the chance to do it all again. I'm going to pass this around to everyone who drink on RP. And pour some out for those who are with us watching over us. PS CSM Michael J. Uhlig is watching!! Don't slip up and not have your PT belts on while drinking in the house. Safety first!!
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
CSM Charles Hayden - CSM I honestly couldn't tell you. It's been years since I've tasted alcohol, but I know Gentlemans Jack is the truth if you don't want to stay with traditional JD.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
9 y
SSG Warren Swan Congratulations! I cannot say that, I have been fortunate to maintain such an intake w/ zero problems to date. Nuf said!
CSM Charles Hayden
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
CSM Charles Hayden - You're a CSM. Name ONE thing you can't do other than find Warrant Officers....I'm kidding in case any Warrants see this.
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MSgt Daniel Attilio
A photo I return to often. We held a memorial for the Marines we lost from/attached to 3/4 on our way to Baghdad in OIF I once our mission was "over." It is a scene that comes to mind every time I hear taps.
Semper Fidelis
SSG Buddy Kemper
SSG Buddy Kemper
9 y
MSgt Daniel Attilio Blessings to our fallen, boss. Happy birthday.
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SPC Margaret Higgins
Thank you, Sgt David G Duchesneau! You know something, I never knew that TAPS had words that went along with it. What a beautiful song. What beautiful lyrics.
TAPS always served to calm me down; at the end of the day. I loved hearing it.
Again, Thank You!
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