Posted on Oct 5, 2015
SPC Margaret Higgins
Posted in these groups: Drill Drill SergeantDrill Instructor
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Responses: 27
CSM William Payne
My drill sergeant made a lasting impression on me that stuck with me my entire 40 year Army / Army Reserve career. SFC Eugene McDaniels, D-13-4, Fort Knox, KY, Oct - Dec 1973. We only had one drill sergeant in our platoon, SGT Tutkin was an Assistant Instructor (AI) that was waiting to go to drill sergeant school. SFC McDaniels never raised his voice unless calling cadence but his mere presence and demeanor demanded your attention. Treated his Soldiers with respect unless they indicated they didn't deserve it. I was a squad leader but the only one that didn't get fired at least once during the cycle. Nobody was more physically fit than he. That's back when we ran in combat boots and fatiques, no PT uniform and running shoes. He could run faster backwards than most of the platoon could forwards. He didn't allow other NCOs to mess with his platoon either. A Vietnam combat veteran, he set an example of the highest standards, a model of the NCO and Drill Sergeant Creed.
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CW3 Michael Bodnar
I'm a prior service Marine so I've never had any interactions with Drill Sergeants. Drill Instructors on the other hand, a different breed all together. I despised them going through boot camp but ran into two of them later on in my career. They were down to earth Marines who were put there to make Marines. They even remembered me and still called me by my nickname they gave me when I got to Paris Island.
SSG Eric Blue
SSG Eric Blue
5 y
Reminds me of my grandfathers. Both of them were Montford Point Marines who went into civil service on Lejeune when they retired. The drill instructors they had became their employees at that point.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
5 y
SSG Eric Blue Both of your grandfathers were Montfort Point Marines? ! Wow!

And you went Army? Did they kick your backside?
SSG Eric Blue
SSG Eric Blue
5 y
CSM Charles Hayden - Thankfully, no. One of them was suffering from dementia, so I escaped his wrath. The other warmed up to the idea AFTER I came back alive from OIF and served with an ANGLICO Company from 2nd Marine Division. Before that, there was a lot of friction. I wasn't welcome during Christmas for a bit.
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SFC Combat Engineer
I thought my female drill sergeant in BCT was bipolar. Craziest thing I've ever seen. The other one was Sgt Slaughters twin. He looked just him!!! He was a badass. I liked them, they each brought something different to the table.
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