Posted on Sep 30, 2015
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
My opinion is that Russia should have got permission through the United Nations community to do the airstrikes. Russia should have did it logically with the backing of the UN. A Russian General gave a warning to the U.S. to get out the airspace while they attack ISIS. Wow this is disturbing to me with (1-hour) notice. This story is escalating, now its reported that the bombs were on ASSAD ENEMIES, NOT ISIS!

Washington (CNN)—Russia has conducted its first airstrike against ISIS in Syria, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said Wednesday.
The airstrike targeted ISIS military equipment, communications centers, vehicles and ammunition, Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said, as part of pinpoint strikes against ISIS ground targets.
But a senior U.S. administration official told CNN's Elise Labott the Russian airstrike near the city of Homs "has no strategic purpose" in terms of combating ISIS, which "shows they are not there to go after ISIL." ISIL is another acronym for ISIS.
The official said the U.S. had no intention of preventing the strikes but that Russian planes didn't seem to be flying in areas where the U.S. was operating. "They are not stupid," the official said.
The State Department said U.S.-led coalition missions were continuing as normal despite an advance warning and request from Russia to stay out of Syrian airspace.
The official said the U.S. had no intention of preventing the strikes but that Russian planes didn't seem to be flying in areas where the U.S. was operating. "They are not stupid," the official said.
The State Department said U.S.-led coalition missions were continuing as normal despite an advance warning and request from Russia to stay out of Syrian airspace.
"A Russian official in Baghdad this morning informed U.S. Embassy personnel that Russian military aircraft would begin flying anti-ISIL missions today over Syria," said spokesman John Kirby. "He further requested that U.S. aircraft avoid Syrian airspace during these missions."
Earlier Wednesday, the upper house of the Russian parliament gave President Vladimir Putin approval to use the air force in Syria, according to state media.
"The Federation Council unanimously supported the President's request -- 162 votes in favor of granting permission," Kremlin Chief of Staff Sergey Ivanov said, according to ITAR-Tass.
The vote came after a request by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for military assistance in fighting ISIS, Ivanov said.
'No Russian boots on the ground'
Putin, speaking Wednesday at a government meeting, said his country would not become mired in the Syrian conflict.
"This military operation is limited in time. Russian air forces will help Assad's army while it's on the offensive mode," Putin said. "There will be no Russian boots on the ground."
After several days of familiarization flights, and the collection of potential targeting information by drones, the Russian air force was ready.
Four Russian Su-34 Fullback fighter jets are now at the Latakia air base in Syria, and more than 600 Russian troops are in place, a U.S. official with knowledge of the latest intelligence told CNN this week.

Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook told reporters Tuesday that Secretary of Defense Ash Carter directed his staff to "open lines of communication with Russia on de-confliction."
The timing of these discussions is to be worked out in the coming days. The purpose of the discussions is "to ensure the safety of coalition air crews," he said.
Cook added that the two nations have common ground when it comes to fighting ISIS, with Carter making clear that "the goal should be to take the fight to ISIL and not to defend the Assad regime."
In a recent CNN article dated September 30, 2015.
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Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 46
1LT Aaron Barr
Much as I hate to say it, Russia's pretty much acting like us. We conducted airstrikes in Libya and Syria with no UN vote, let alone input from Congress. The Russians are the only power other than us that can really project power in serious manner beyond their borders and to think that they wouldn't is naïve.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
9 y
Agreed 1LT Aaron Barr To hear our government say "has no strategic purpose" in regards to other nation's military actions is almost laughable.
SFC Robert Salmon
SFC Robert Salmon
9 y
Assuming they are attacking ISIS?  I think it is a FUBAR situation ready to go whatever it is beyond FUBAR.  FUBAR to the 4th power. 
SGT Michael Glenn
SGT Michael Glenn
9 y
SFC Robert Salmon - Damn...that sounds FUBAR to me with a touch of SNAFU too!!
SGT Rick Ash
SGT Rick Ash
9 y
I am waiting to hear when the newly drafted 150,000 Russians troops come down through the Arctic, through Canada like a winter wind and through our Northern border. Then we can just nuke Moscow and be done with it. Putin is about 20X smarter than Obama. I sure don't trust him.
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Capt Seid Waddell
The Russians are not attacking ISIS; they are attacking the "moderate" rebels in order to prop up the Assad regime.

Obama's weakness is provocative to the tyrants of the world, and is now bearing its bitter fruit.
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 9 y ago
Good news SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL.
Russia has been battling terrorists within the former soviet republics recently and throughout their nation for decades. The lessons they learned fighting in South Dagestan and Chechnia could be very useful in prosecuting the war against radical Islam in Syria.
Getting UN approval should not be a requirement. Unfortunately there is significant corruption and tremendous inefficient bureaucracy within the UN.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
9 y
LTC Stephen F. I did not know about the UN being so corrupted nowadays. I know Russia knows better to give the U.S. more lead time since they are in the A-O as well. Wow I hope, this situation resolves itself in respects to how it was initiated.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
9 y
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL - at the local level the sheer number of minor traffic violations that NYC pus up with from UN "Diplomats" and their primary staff is staggering and has been for a long time.
Over the past decade we have seen notorious human right violating nations elected by the main body to serve on Humans Rights monitoring committees.
SGT Jerrold Pesz
SGT Jerrold Pesz
9 y
Why is everyone so concerned about the UN? The UN is a collection of leeches and tin pot dictators dedicated to looting the US. Most there are not our friends. No reason to ask them anything.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
9 y
SGT Jerrold Pesz Exactly and our President's play is laughed at. Putin is not afraid of a weak hand shake and there is more than one meaning in that. American politics these day is something that can and is weak and a bad message to the super powers.
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