Most recent discussions by members with a MBA degree

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SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA

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Rallypoint forum for current or future graduates interested in potential career transition with the Master of Business Administration degree
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How this type degree can help you

The degree shows graduate level potential for work in business-related matters. It helps for career transition into roles such as consultant, analyst or manager.
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How to determine if this degree is for you

1. Consider the strength of your interest in being involved in private industry or business related issues
2. Consider your admissions test scores for either GMAT or GRE
3. Consider if you want to perform an internship with a private business or NGO during a summer in the program
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Advice for those interested in this degree

1. Look at rankings; reputable schools (e.g. US News & World Report, Poets & Quants, etc.) will be noted
2. Consider location and specific company to work at after graduation

Most recent contributors: LTC Eugene Chu

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