Task Force 4, Operations Group

Task Force 4

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MSG Jamie A. Christian

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Observer/Coach/Trainer (OCT) team that conducts advanced collective training for rotational training unit (RTU) consisting of two Cavalry Scout platoons and one Infantry platoon at the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) in preparation for combat deployments and overseas contingency operations; conducts platoon and Leadership After Action Reviews (AAR); coaches, teaches, and mentors the rotational platoon's Leadership and Soldiers on reconnaissance and security operations in the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) against the Hybrid Threat; professionally develops subordinates; enforces safety and property accountability.
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Unit history

Task Force 4 used to be Task Force 3 in Operations Group.  The units first rotation as Task Force 4 was rotation 14-08 which involved 1-72 CAV from Vermont. This puts the birth of TF 4 somewhere around May 2014.
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Unit Contact Information

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Famous members

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Most recent contributors: MSG Jamie A. Christian

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