C Company, 230th Brigade Support Battalion
C Company (C Co), 230th Brigade Support Battalion veterans in Goldsboro, NC | RallyPoint
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C Company, 230th Brigade Support Battalion
Top Influencers in this Group

Army National Guard | Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Former RNCO / PLATOON SERGEANT (TX) at C Co, 230th BSB, 30th BCT, North Carolina ARNG

Army National Guard | Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Former Treatment Platoon Squad Leader at C Co, 230th BSB, 30th BCT, North Carolina ARNG

Army National Guard | Medical Laboratory Specialist
Former Med Lab NCO, Ancillary Squad Leader, Former 71L/42L and Ops NCO at C Co, 230th BSB, 30th BCT, North Carolina ARNG