76th Brigade Combat Team, 38th Infantry Division
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76th Brigade Combat Team, 38th Infantry Division
Top Influencers in this Group

Former Brigade S7 at 76th BCT, 38th ID, Indiana ARNG, MILPAC Region IV

Army Reserve | Simulation Operations
Former HHC Commander, TAG III at 76th BCT, 38th ID, Indiana ARNG, MILPAC Region IV

Army | Field Artillery Officer
Former Resident Training Detachment Chief at 1-163 FA, 76th BCT, 38th ID, Indiana ARNG

Army | Strategic Intelligence Officer
Former Intelligence Analyst, HUMINT PL at 276th MI, 76th BCT, 38th ID, Indiana ARNG

Army | Combat Engineer Officer
Former Brigade Engineer Plans Officer (S5) at 76th BCT, 38th ID, Indiana ARNG, MILPAC Region IV