6th Battalion, 101st General Support Aviation Regiment, 101st Combat Aviation Brigade

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Unit history

"Shadow of the Eagle"...

The 6th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment (Command Aviation Battalion) provides Air Volcano; LRSD/PFDR Insertion/Extraction (FRIES/SPIES); MEDEVAC (Aeromedical Evacuation) Pathfinder Support; Command and Control; General Officer Support; and General Support Aviation for the 101st Infantry Division (Air Assault).

The mission of the unit is to support the 101st Aviation Brigade and Division by providing command and control, aerial mine delivery, general support aviation capabilities and pathfinder support.

The 6-101 Aviation was the Command Aviation Battalion for the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). It was comprised of UH-60A and UH-60L Blackhawks. The Battalion is organized into an HHC, AVUM company (D), three general support companies (A, B, and C), and a Pathfinder Company. 6-101 Aviation consists of 6 different companies consisting of HHC "Iron Eagles," A Co "Avengers," B Co "Warlords," C Co "Rude Dogs," D Co "Witchdoctors (Voodoo Maintenance)," and the Pathfinders "Torch/First In Last Out." The unit had the largest division approved METL consisting of 9 base tasks.

The 6th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, originated as the 123rd Aviation Battalion in the Republic of Vietnam on 8 December 1967, as part of the 23rd Infantry Division, and served there until deactivation in November 1971. The Battalion was reactivated as the 123rd Aviation Battalion at Fort Campbell, Kentucky on 16 December 1985. The Battalion was formed by combining the assets of several units, including Divisional Infantry Brigade flight detachments, the 163rd Aviation Company (General Support), and Battery A, 377th Field Artillery.

On 15 March 1989, Forces Command directed a Command Aviation Battalion (CAB) be formed at Fort Campbell to expand the aviation capability of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). The unit reflagged as 3rd Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment in July 1989. In December 1989, the unit was fully integrated into the Division when it was redesignated and received the colors of the 6th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment.

The Iron Eagle Battalion initially flew the UH-1 helicopter, and since July 1989 had fought forest fires in Idaho, participated in field exercises at the Joint Readiness Training Center, the National Training Center, Eglin Air Force Base, and deployed to Honduras and El Salvador. With the outbreak of hostilities in the Persian Gulf, 6th Battalion deployed to the desert. The Battalion flew support for the Division which included command and control, resupply, and combat assaults. In an effort to conserve the Brigade's UH-60 hours, 6th Battalion absorbed the increased mission load, and flew a total of 5036 UH-1 hours in support of Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. In 1991, the 6th CAB was designated the "Spirit Of The Eagle."

Beginning in April 1995, the Battalion began its transformation from a UH-1 to a UH-60 Blackhawk unit. On 31 August 1995, the last UH-1 "Huey" helicopter was decommissioned from active duty service. The Battalion's mission grew with the increased capabilities of the UH-60. In 1999 new UH-60Ls were integrated into the fleet. The Battalion continued to perform the unique divisional missions of FRIES/SPIES, Arial Volcano, C2 Console, DS to LRSD/Pathfinder detachments, GO/VIP, EAE, and G-5 Aviation, DART and Wethawk for the 101st Aviation Regiment. Elements of the 6-101 Aviation have deployed to Kuwait, Kosovo, and every JRTC and NTC exercise. Since the Battalion takes part in every deployment, the unit motto was changed to "Shadow of the Eagle."

6-101 Aviation deployed as an integral part of the 101st Airborne Division on tours as part of both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan. When the 101st Airborne Division took control of Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan under Combined Joint Task Force 101, 6-101 deployed to Regional Command East, leading Task Force Shadow.

In subsequent years, the brigade deployed forces to Somalia, Kuwait, Bosnia, Kosovo and Honduras to defend democracy and assist with disaster relief efforts. Oct. 9, 1997, the largest aviation brigade split nine battalions into two brigades - the 101st Aviation Brigade (Attack) and the 159th Aviation Brigade (Assault).

Beginning in January 2002, the brigade responded to the call to arms in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, fighting Taliban and Al-Qaeda forces in support of Task Force Rakkasan.

In February 2003, the brigade was alerted to deploy in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The brigade crossed the berm into Iraq March 21, 2003, to launch deep attacks, as well as guard the V Corps’ western flank. The brigade facilitated the liberation of three major cities and the coalition forces’ march on Baghdad.

After the brigade’s redeployment in the spring of 2004, it transformed into an effort to create a self sustaining combat aviation brigade. Completely transformed, the brigade once again answered the nation’s call in August 2005 and began its second deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Headquartered out of Contingency Operating Base Speicher in Tikrit, the brigade provided full-spectrum aviation support to the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and its five brigade combat teams that were arrayed across 131,000 square kilometers of the Band of Brothers’ area of operation.

In December 2007, the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, Task Force Destiny, deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Headquartered out of Bagram Airfield, the brigade task force provided full-spectrum aviation support to CJTF-82, CJTF-101, CJSOTF and International Security and Assistance Forces, covering an area of responsibility the size of Texas.

Deploying to Afghanistan again, this time to Kandahar Airfield in February 2010 after having their dwell period cut short by four months, Task Force Destiny’s arrival coincided with the anticipated introduction of the “surge” of forces announced by the commander in chief three months earlier.

This past deployment to Afghanistan started in July 2012 where the BDE and BN were headquartered at Bagram Airfield. Over the course of the combat deployment, Task Force Destiny conducted over 18,000 separate combat operations, including reconnaissance, medevac, support of troops in contact, air assaults, VIP movements, combat resupply operations, support of Special Operations Forces, and thousands of training flights in expanding current aviation capacity. Equally as impressive, Task Force Destiny Soldiers conducted refueling and rearming operations at forward operating bases across the country 24-hours a day to ensure all supported ground forces retained flexibility in their operations.

6th Battalion is continually at the forefront of the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade and Army Aviation. Honor, duty and innovation are the hallmarks of the Soldiers who continue the proud tradition of the “Shadow of the Eagle on the Wings of Destiny”
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