Read the most recent discussions by members in 411th EN BDE
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Logo uploaded by: SPC Nathan Fanton

411th Engineer Brigade, 412th Theater Engineer Command
Top Influencers in this Group

Army Reserve | Aviation Officer
Battalion Communications Officer (S6) at 854th EN, 411th EN BDE, 412th TEC, USARC

Army Reserve | Command and Unit Chaplain
Brigade Chaplain at 411th EN BDE HHC, 411th EN BDE, 412th TEC, USARC

Army Reserve | Engineer Officer
OIC, S-1 at 854th EN, 411th EN BDE, 412th TEC, USARC

Army Reserve | Field Artillery Officer
Plans Officer (S5) at 458th EN, 411th EN BDE, 412th TEC, USARC

Army Reserve | Engineer Officer
Company Commander at 310th EN (MRBC), 365th EN, 411th EN BDE, 412th TEC

Army Reserve | Engineer Officer
Operations Officer at 382nd EN (Sapper), 365th EN, 411th EN BDE, 412th TEC

Army Reserve | Engineer Officer
Assistant Operations Officer (S3) at 365th EN, 411th EN BDE, 412th TEC, USARC