4th Battalion (SROTC), 415th Regiment, 3rd Brigade
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4th Battalion (SROTC), 415th Regiment, 3rd Brigade
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Unit Philosophy and Implementation
4/415th was one of three SROTC Bn's in the US. Peer units were 4/413th and 4/414th SROTC, and are now the only two remaining SROTC Battalions in the US.
The SROTC exists to support and promote the development of Cadets to become commissioned officers in the Army Reserve and support Cadet Command’s mission to recruit, develop and commission Army Officers. Adjunct Faculty (AF) assets from the Army Reserve are assigned to part-time duty at selected or participating colleges and universities where they can best influence both the short and long-term production of officers for the United States Army and Army Reserve (USAR).
USAR AF Soldiers exist to perform two primary functions at their assigned universities; influence USAR officer production and provide support to their assigned program’s PMS (USACC). Though defined below as separate functions, AFs are expected to represent and promote the USAR throughout all assigned duties.

Unit Contact Information
Unit Deactivated with last remaining members retired as of 4/27/17 in ceremony at West Point, NY.
Most recent contributors: LTC Jordan Brehove