322nd Training Squadron, 737th Training Group

322nd Training Squadron

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TSgt Melissa Post

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We are the Screaming Eagles. Our motto, Second to none! Come get some pride, character, excellence! Our rivals have been the 326th Bulldogs for many years. We come from a proud heritage.
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Unit history

Originally, on 16 February 1953, we were organized as the 3702d Basic Military Training Squadron. On 25 August 1992 we became the 322d Basic Training Squadron and on 1 April 1994 became who we are today, 322d Training Squadron.

This information was pulled from http://www.basictraining.af.mil/units/index.asp 
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Unit Contact Information

BMT Pfingston Reception Center
Bldg. 6330
1800 Truemper St
Lackland AFB, TX 78236

Phone: (210)671-3024/3069
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Famous members

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Most recent contributors: TSgt Melissa Post

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