308th Quartermaster Company, 167th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion
308th Quartermaster Company
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Logo uploaded by: CPT Brendan Despard
308th Quartermaster Company, 167th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion
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308th Quartermaster Company, 167th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion
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Mission: To receive, store, and transfer bulk petroleum, provide wholesale and area support, and limited distribution. "FUEL THE FRONT" Fuel Dragons!

Unit history
First activated on October 21, 2012, the 308th Quartermaster Company gradually grew in strength and readiness over the years. In August of 2019 a 19 - Soldier detachment (designated Y1) was mobilized in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel in Afghanistan. A second detachment was later mobilized to replace Y1 and carry on the mission over a total period of 18 months.

Unit Contact Information
CPT Brendan Despard (Commander)
SGT Barreiro, Lizmarie (S1 NCO)
910.598.8006 - Office
Email: lizmarie.barreiromaldonado.mil@mail.mil
SFC Vargas, Michael (Ops NCO)
910.598.8008 - Office
562.964.1371 - Cell
Most recent contributors: CPT Brendan Despard